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Sessions problem for Login Module


Level 3

Hi All,

I have a one author instance,3 publish instance and 3 dispatchers.

i have a page with login button,the login functionality is working in author instance and 3 publish instances but login functionality is not working in 3 dispatchers

can any one help me why is it not working in dispatchers

Page :
PASSWORD  : Veera44$

Thanks & Regards

8 Replies


Level 5

Have you used the session management tag like below in dispatcher.any file ? or all required client headers are in place, please double check it.


                /directory "<dispatcher path>/dispatcher/htdocs/.sessions"
                /header "Cookie:login-token"


Level 3

Thanks for reply,

here is my dispatcher.any file

# Each farm configures a set of load balanced renders (i.e. remote servers)
  # First farm entry
    # Request headers that should be forwarded to the remote server.
      # Forward all request headers that are end-to-end. If you want
      # to forward a specific set of headers, you'll have to list
      # them here.
    # Hostname globbing for farm selection (virtual domain addressing)
      # Entries will be compared against the "Host" request header
      # and an optional request URL prefix.
      # Examples:
      #   www.company.com
      #   intranet.*
      #   myhost:8888/mysite
    # Vanity URL allow      
     /url "/libs/granite/dispatcher/content/vanityUrls.html"
     /file "/tmp/vanity_urls"
     /delay 300
    # The load will be balanced among these render instances
        # Hostname or IP of the render
        /hostname "localhost"
        # Port of the render
        /port "80"
        # Connect timeout in milliseconds, 0 to wait indefinitely
        # /timeout "0"
    # The filter section defines the requests that should be handled by the dispatcher.
    # The globs will be compared against the request line, e.g. "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1".

        $include "filter-publish.any"
       $include "filter-ulb.any"
       $include "filter-uit.any"
       $include "filter-other.any"

    # The cache section regulates what responses will be cached and where.
      # The docroot must be equal to the document root of the webserver. The
      # dispatcher will store files relative to this directory and subsequent
      # requests may be "declined" by the dispatcher, allowing the webserver
      # to deliver them just like static files.
      /docroot "/rajasthan/cache"

      # Sets the level upto which files named ".stat" will be created in the 
      # document root of the webserver. When an activation request for some 
      # page is received, only files within the same subtree are affected 
      # by the invalidation.
      /statfileslevel "3"
      # Flag indicating whether to cache responses to requests that contain
      # authorization information.
      #/allowAuthorized "0"
      # Flag indicating whether the dispatcher should serve stale content if
      # no remote server is available.
      #/serveStaleOnError "0"
      # The rules section defines what responses should be cached based on
      # the requested URL. Please note that only the following requests can
      # lead to cacheable responses:
      # - HTTP method is GET
      # - URL has an extension
      # - Request has no query string
      # - Request has no "Authorization" header (unless allowAuthorized is 1)
          # the globbing pattern to be compared against the url
          # example: *             -> everything
          #        : /foo/bar.*    -> only the /foo/bar documents
          #        : /foo/bar/*    -> all pages below /foo/bar
          #        : /foo/bar[./]* -> all pages below and /foo/bar itself
          #        : *.html        -> all .html files
          /glob "*"
          /type "allow"
      # The invalidate section defines the pages that are "invalidated" after
      # any activation. Please note that the activated page itself and all 
      # related documents are flushed on an modification. For example: if the 
      # page /foo/bar is activated, all /foo/bar.* files are removed from the
      # cache.
          /glob "*"
          /type "deny"
          # Consider all HTML files stale after an activation.
          /glob "*.html"
          /type "allow"
          /glob "/etc/segmentation.segment.js"
          /type "allow"
          /glob "*/analytics.sitecatalyst.js"
          /type "allow"
          # Consider all css files stale after an activation.
          /glob "*.css"
          /type "allow"
          # Consider all js files stale after an activation.
          /glob "*.js"
          /type "allow"

      # The allowedClients section restricts the client IP addresses that are
      # allowed to issue activation requests.
        # Uncomment the following to restrict activation requests to originate
        # from "localhost" only.
        #  {
        #  /glob "*"
        #  /type "deny"
        #  }
        #  {
        #  /glob ""
        #  /type "allow"
        #  }
      # The ignoreUrlParams section contains query string parameter names that
      # should be ignored when determining whether some request's output can be
      # cached or delivered from cache.
      # In this example configuration, the "q" parameter will be ignored. 
      #  {
      #  /0001 { /glob "*" /type "deny" }
      #  /0002 { /glob "q" /type "allow" }
      #  }
    # The statistics sections dictates how the load should be balanced among the
    # renders according to the media-type. 
          /glob "*.html"
          /glob "*"





Where should i place the 

                /directory "<dispatcher path>/dispatcher/htdocs/.sessions"
                /header "Cookie:login-token"


Thanks & Regards



Level 5

Try adding below before /invalidate section. Make sure to update the <dispatcher path> in the /directory and also make sure to restart the dispatcher after the changes. You need to check in the dispatcher logs if you are seeing any token related error ?

                /directory "<dispatcher path>/dispatcher/htdocs/.sessions"
                /header "Cookie:login-token"
              # request is sent to this URL with '?uri=<page>' appended
              /url "/bin/permissioncheck"
              # only the requested pages matching the filter section below are checked,
              # all other pages get delivered unchecked
                  /glob "*"
                  /type "deny"
                  /glob "*.html"
                  /type "allow"
              # any header line returned from the auth_checker's HEAD request matching
              # the section below will be returned as well
                  /glob "*"
                  /type "deny"
                  /glob "Set-Cookie:*"
                  /type "allow"


Level 3


I have given a directory path like

 /directory "C:/Program Files (x86)/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs/.sessions"

and I am getting a below error in dispatcher.log file

[Tue Mar 21 12:19:18 2017] [W] [pid 2836 (tid 716)] C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\dispatcher\dispatcher.any:151: entry not recognized: 'sessionmanagement'
[Tue Mar 21 12:19:18 2017] [W] [pid 2836 (tid 716)] C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\dispatcher\dispatcher.any:156: entry not recognized: 'auth_checker'
[Tue Mar 21 12:19:18 2017] [W] [pid 9088 (tid 200)] C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\dispatcher\dispatcher.any:151: entry not recognized: 'sessionmanagement'
[Tue Mar 21 12:19:18 2017] [W] [pid 9088 (tid 200)] C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\dispatcher\dispatcher.any:156: entry not recognized: 'auth_checker'
[Tue Mar 21 12:19:18 2017] [W] [pid 9088 (tid 200)] C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\dispatcher\dispatcher.any:151: entry not recognized: 'sessionmanagement'
[Tue Mar 21 12:19:18 2017] [W] [pid 9088 (tid 200)] C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\dispatcher\dispatcher.any:156: entry not recognized: 'auth_checker'
[Tue Mar 21 12:19:26 2017] [W] [pid 2836 (tid 716)] C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\dispatcher\dispatcher.any:151: entry not recognized: 'sessionmanagement'
[Tue Mar 21 12:19:26 2017] [W] [pid 2836 (tid 716)] C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\dispatcher\dispatcher.any:156: entry not recognized: 'auth_checker'
[Tue Mar 21 12:19:26 2017] [W] [pid 1708 (tid 716)] C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\dispatcher\dispatcher.any:151: entry not recognized: 'sessionmanagement'
[Tue Mar 21 12:19:26 2017] [W] [pid 1708 (tid 716)] C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\dispatcher\dispatcher.any:156: entry not recognized: 'auth_checker'
[Tue Mar 21 12:19:26 2017] [W] [pid 1708 (tid 716)] C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\dispatcher\dispatcher.any:151: entry not recognized: 'sessionmanagement'
[Tue Mar 21 12:19:26 2017] [W] [pid 1708 (tid 716)] C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\conf\dispatcher\dispatcher.any:156: entry not recognized: 'auth_checker'


Level 3

# Each farm configures a set of load balanced renders (i.e. remote servers)
  # First farm entry
    # Request headers that should be forwarded to the remote server.
      # Forward all request headers that are end-to-end. If you want
      # to forward a specific set of headers, you'll have to list
      # them here.
    # Hostname globbing for farm selection (virtual domain addressing)
      # Entries will be compared against the "Host" request header
      # and an optional request URL prefix.
      # Examples:
      #   www.company.com
      #   intranet.*
      #   myhost:8888/mysite
    # Vanity URL allow     
     /url "/libs/granite/dispatcher/content/vanityUrls.html"
     /file "/tmp/vanity_urls"
     /delay 300
    # The load will be balanced among these render instances
        # Hostname or IP of the render
        /hostname "localhost"
        # Port of the render
        /port "80"
        # Connect timeout in milliseconds, 0 to wait indefinitely
        # /timeout "0"
    # The filter section defines the requests that should be handled by the dispatcher.
    # The globs will be compared against the request line, e.g. "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1".

        $include "filter-publish.any"
       $include "filter-ulb.any"
       $include "filter-uit.any"
       $include "filter-other.any"

    # The cache section regulates what responses will be cached and where.
      # The docroot must be equal to the document root of the webserver. The
      # dispatcher will store files relative to this directory and subsequent
      # requests may be "declined" by the dispatcher, allowing the webserver
      # to deliver them just like static files.
      /docroot "/rajasthan/cache"

      # Sets the level upto which files named ".stat" will be created in the
      # document root of the webserver. When an activation request for some
      # page is received, only files within the same subtree are affected
      # by the invalidation.
      /statfileslevel "3"
      # Flag indicating whether to cache responses to requests that contain
      # authorization information.
      #/allowAuthorized "0"
      # Flag indicating whether the dispatcher should serve stale content if
      # no remote server is available.
      #/serveStaleOnError "0"
      # The rules section defines what responses should be cached based on
      # the requested URL. Please note that only the following requests can
      # lead to cacheable responses:
      # - HTTP method is GET
      # - URL has an extension
      # - Request has no query string
      # - Request has no "Authorization" header (unless allowAuthorized is 1)
          # the globbing pattern to be compared against the url
          # example: *             -> everything
          #        : /foo/bar.*    -> only the /foo/bar documents
          #        : /foo/bar/*    -> all pages below /foo/bar
          #        : /foo/bar[./]* -> all pages below and /foo/bar itself
          #        : *.html        -> all .html files
          /glob "*"
          /type "allow"
          /glob "/mjsa/*"
          /type "deny"
          /glob "/content/dipr-admin/en/*"
          /type "deny"
          /glob "/content/dipr/en/special-release.*"
          /type "deny"
          /glob "/content/dipr/en/press-release.*"
          /type "deny"
          /glob "/content/dipr/en/news-detail.*"
          /type "deny"
          /glob "/content/dipr/en/advertisement/*"
          /type "deny"
         /glob "/content/dipr/en/login.*"
         /type "deny"

        /0008    {
         /glob "/content/dipr/en/newspaperratelist.*"
        /type "deny"
                /directory "<dispatcher path>/dispatcher/htdocs/.sessions"
                /header "Cookie:login-token"
              # request is sent to this URL with '?uri=<page>' appended
              /url "/bin/permissioncheck"
              # only the requested pages matching the filter section below are checked,
              # all other pages get delivered unchecked
                  /glob "*"
                  /type "deny"
                  /glob "*.html"
                  /type "allow"
              # any header line returned from the auth_checker's HEAD request matching
              # the section below will be returned as well
                  /glob "*"
                  /type "deny"
                  /glob "Set-Cookie:*"
                  /type "allow"
      # The invalidate section defines the pages that are "invalidated" after
      # any activation. Please note that the activated page itself and all
      # related documents are flushed on an modification. For example: if the
      # page /foo/bar is activated, all /foo/bar.* files are removed from the
      # cache.
          /glob "*"
          /type "deny"
          # Consider all HTML files stale after an activation.
          /glob "*.html"
          /type "allow"
          /glob "/etc/segmentation.segment.js"
          /type "allow"
          /glob "*/analytics.sitecatalyst.js"
          /type "allow"
          # Consider all css files stale after an activation.
          /glob "*.css"
          /type "allow"
          # Consider all js files stale after an activation.
          /glob "*.js"
          /type "allow"

      # The allowedClients section restricts the client IP addresses that are
      # allowed to issue activation requests.
        # Uncomment the following to restrict activation requests to originate
        # from "localhost" only.
        #  {
        #  /glob "*"
        #  /type "deny"
        #  }
        #  {
        #  /glob ""
        #  /type "allow"
        #  }
      # The ignoreUrlParams section contains query string parameter names that
      # should be ignored when determining whether some request's output can be
      # cached or delivered from cache.
      # In this example configuration, the "q" parameter will be ignored.
      #  {
      #  /0001 { /glob "*" /type "deny" }
      #  /0002 { /glob "q" /type "allow" }
      #  }
    # The statistics sections dictates how the load should be balanced among the
    # renders according to the media-type.
          /glob "*.html"
          /glob "*"


Level 5

if you remove /sessionmanagement and /authcheck sections, what error you are getting in your dispatcher logs ?