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send custom workflow to previous step


Level 3


I have custom workflow for my website on rejection of one step how to send back the workflow to previous step using process step in AEM 6.5

Example : I have a OR split when the approver rejects it the workflow should go to the previous step

4 Replies


Level 7

Hi @HelpTech ,


Please check this - https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/how-to-rollback-goto-any-p... 


Use Route API


List<Route> routes = workflowSession.getRoutes(workItem, false);


Anupam Patra


Level 3

Hi anupampat

Is there a way to enable the ootb step back button for the custom workflow?



Level 7

The Stepback button is a manual action, while I assume your requirement is to have it automated, then do use the API.


Level 3

No we want to enable the step back function for the custom workflow