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Search and promote result not displaying in AEM page


Level 1

I have Configured the Cloud Service and indexed the content in Search and promote. In Data view am able to see the indexed result.  i followed the adobe document also, But on search from AEM Page its not getting the result

Steps I followed:

1.Indexed the pages in search and promote using URL Entrypoints.

2.Connected the cloud Service            Result:success

3.Configured URI Remote center and Stage

4. Used out of box for search and result component.

Its redirecting on search form submit but not able to get the result from search and promote.

Status code 200;

Am using localhost author instance for search form and result display. Is there any issue with that?

If no, is there anything i have not followed?

9 Replies



Did you configure web pages to use this specific Search&Promote service?


  • Open the Page Properties dialog box. For example, on the Websites page, right-click the page and click Properties.
  • Click the Cloud Services tab.
  • To disable the inheritance of cloud services configurations from a parent page, click the padlock icon next to the inheritance path.
  • file
  • Click Add Service, select Adobe Search&Promote, and click OK.
  • Select the connection configuration for your Search&Promote account, and then click OK.


Kautuk Sahni


Level 1

Thanks kautuksahni​ for your response.

I have already configured cloud Service to my pages where i am using Search. But still its not adding the result in the response.


Level 10

Is your connection successful.

kautuksahni​ - is there any HELPX plan for this use case?


Level 1

yeah connection is successful.

In search and promote am getting the result as XML, is there anything left?

Will my result component parse the XML response?

Below is my Error log:

Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException

at com.day.cq.searchpromote.xml.result.Pagination.getResultPages(Pagination.java:64)

at org.apache.jsp.libs.cq.searchpromote.components.results.results_jsp._jspService(results_jsp.java:364)

at org.apache.sling.scripting.jsp.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:70)

at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:725)

at org.apache.sling.scripting.jsp.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service(JspServletWrapper.java:502)


Level 10

This looks like a bug. If the connection is successful, a JAVA NPE should not be occurring - especially if you followed the online AEM docs.


Level 10

I recommend opening a ticket and say A NULL exception is occurring even though you are following the AEM online docs.


Level 1

This issue is causing due to XML parser which is done by the OOTB component. For which the Presentation template syntax and structure is different . Since am using AEM 6.1 components i need a template which is compatible with it.  Please share the Template



As Scott mentioned, Please create a daycare ticket for this.


Kautuk Sahni



I will draft it soon.


Kautuk Sahni