I am trying to create scaffolding forms but when i add multifield to the dialog i am getting an error on the scaffolding page.
There are two issues i am facing.
1) When a new scaffolding page is created using the scaffolding template i see the following error on the browser console of the new page.
Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(...) is not a function
at clientlibs-classic.js:44
2) After i add the acs-commons multifieldpanel widget to the scaffolding dialog under etc/scaffolding/new-page/jcr:content/dialog. I am able to see the multifield on the scaffolding page but when i click on + sign of the multifield to add content i am getting the following error.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'on' of null
at constructor.initComponent (widgets.js:559)
at constructor.CQ.Ext.Component [as constructor] (widgets.js:26142)
at constructor.sb [as constructor] (widgets.js:1544)
at constructor.sb [as constructor] (widgets.js:1544)
at constructor.sb [as constructor] (widgets.js:1544)
at new constructor (widgets.js:543)
at Object.create (widgets.js:25792)
at Object.build (widgets.js:88631)
at constructor.constructButtonConfig (widgets.js:109988)
at new constructor (widgets.js:109964)
Any help on this is greatly appreciated,