Hi All,
I am trying to integrate SAML to AEM for this I have followed below Azure article. I have done all the steps. When I try to test the url it throws the below error. can someone help me ??
Error :
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you need to run AEM over https
Thank you @arunpatidar . I have started my aem author instance and it doesn't asking me the credentials directly it took me to the aem admin console. Is this why we are using SAML integration, since I'm new to SAML.
SAML is used for SSO, so you can login using external IDP.
is this working as expected?
@arunpatidar External Idp means which url i need to use, Is it from the Azure (configured for certificate) or adobe ? As of now, I can login to aem author without entering username and password.
I am not sure which one you are using Adobe IMS or Azure. But if it is working then you can check the user id, what user is created/logged in in AEM to verify that everything is ok.
Hi @arunpatidar I have used Azure to get the idp certificate. I'm sorry that I'm very new to this SAML integration. I have configured everything in the ConfigMgr as per the guide. But now I don't know how and where to check this saml so it's working correctly or not. As usual I'm logging into AEM author instance by admin username & pwd. Don't know where to exactly check about this feature. Can you just elaborate ? like which link i need to check aem author or azure login id ????
And when I use azure login id it says like below. Thank you and sorry If I trouble you more.
You try login in incognito widow using SSO, and check the login works or not.
If you are getting Azure login screen that means you are using Azure IDP
Hi @arunpatidar Thank you. I have tested in incognito mode. But I got some error like below. So I checked the error log. It says like Missing AD. Any help would be appreciated .
27.04.2022 11:32:00.500 *ERROR* [qtp1765808865-2356] org.apache.felix.metatype Missing element AD in element OCD : bundle://073adf9b-a203-42ab-b792-33c22343dce6_362.1:0/OSGI-INF/metatype/com.day.cq.mailer.oauth.impl.OAuthCodeServiceImpl.xml
27.04.2022 11:32:00.500 *ERROR* [qtp1765808865-2356] org.apache.felix.metatype Missing element AD in element OCD : bundle://073adf9b-a203-42ab-b792-33c22343dce6_362.1:0/OSGI-INF/metatype/com.day.cq.mailer.oauth.impl.OAuthMailerServiceImpl.xml
27.04.2022 11:32:00.500 *ERROR* [qtp1765808865-2356] org.apache.felix.metatype Missing element AD in element OCD : bundle://073adf9b-a203-42ab-b792-33c22343dce6_362.1:0/OSGI-INF/metatype/com.day.cq.mailer.oauth.impl.OAuthTokenStoreServiceImpl.xml
27.04.2022 11:32:00.505 *ERROR* [qtp1765808865-2356] org.apache.felix.metatype Missing element AD in element OCD : bundle://073adf9b-a203-42ab-b792-33c22343dce6_388.1:0/OSGI-INF/metatype/com.adobe.cq.dam.ips.impl.replication.trigger.AssetRestoreEventHandler.xml
27.04.2022 11:32:00.512 *ERROR* [qtp1765808865-2356] org.apache.felix.metatype Missing element AD in element OCD : bundle://073adf9b-a203-42ab-b792-33c22343dce6_424.0:0/OSGI-INF/metatype/com.adobe.social.integrations.livefyre.config.impl.LivefyreConfigProviderImpl.xml
This could be due to incampatible AEM and ACS common code. ca you check https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/aem-6-2-missing-element-ad...
Please start here [0] and let us know on how you get on:
[0] https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-cloud-kcs/kbarticles/KA-17476.html?lang=en#