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Running Universal Editor locally


Level 2

Hi there,


I'm trying to use Universal Editor locally using this doc https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/implementing/dev... But page is opened in old `editor.html` only.


I use AEM SDK for AEM v2025.3.19823 and Universal Editor Service v20250314101227.

https://localhost:8000/corslib/LATEST shows a script (certificate is trusted in macos Keychain)

https://localhost:8000/ping shows "ping": "pong" (certificate is trusted in macos Keychain)

/apps/wknd/components/page/customheaderlibs.html is Instrumented as mentioned in the doc

But "Edit" command on /content/wknd/language-masters/en/about-us leads to https://localhost:8443/editor.html/content/wknd/language-masters/en/about-us.html (old editor)


Am I missed something?

Any help is appreciated!

2 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @mpmuradov ,

Pls Follow Below Steps to Run Universal Editor Locally:

1. Confirm Prerequisites (Done but recheck)

AEM SDK   => 2025.3.19823 (you have it, )
UE Servicev => 20250314101227 (you have it, )
Trusted certs => Installed in macOS Keychain (you confirmed )
/ping => Working ("pong" confirmed )
/corslib/LATEST => Serving JS

2. Instrument Custom Header (Reconfirm this step)

You said this is done, but let's double-check.

<sly data-sly-use.universalEditorLibs="${'com.adobe.cq.cloud.universaleditor.clientlibs.UniversalEditorClientLibrary'}"
     data-sly-call="${universalEditorLibs.include @ path='/corslib/LATEST/universal-editor-init.js'}"/>

In your component /apps/wknd/components/page/customheaderlibs.html, ensure this snippet exists exactly as per docs:

Confirm the path to JS:

     - Points to: https://localhost:8000/corslib/LATEST/universal-editor-init.js

Ensure this file is included ONLY in author mode:

<sly data-sly-test="${wcmmode.edit}"> <!-- ensure it runs in edit mode -->
    <!-- insert above snippet here -->

3. Enable Universal Editor via Page Property or Feature Flag

By default, AEM uses editor.html unless you configure Universal Editor via page property or feature flag.

Option A — Page Property Approach

Edit the Page Properties of /content/wknd/language-masters/en/about-us, and in Advanced tab, add:

  cq:editorType: universal-editor

If this is missing, it defaults to editor.html.

Option B — Global Enablement via Feature Flag

You can globally redirect all pages to Universal Editor via OSGi or config.


     - Go to http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr
     - Search: Adobe Granite UI Universal Editor Configuration
     - Add your local UE endpoint:

universal.editor.endpoint: https://localhost:8000

Try Accessing Page via UE URL Directly

To confirm the UE is working, directly open:


If this works, redirection setup is the only missing part.


Level 2

Hi Amit

Thank you for taking a look.

I checked out https://localhost:8000/corslib/LATEST/universal-editor-init.js. It shows

{"error": "No version found for LATEST/universal-editor-init.js"}