My Cron Expression : 0 50,25,0 22 ? * * - This will execute everyday at 10.0pm, 10.25pm and 10.50pm
why 3 times : 1st try is actual and 2 more are retries for fail safe (Exception scenarios)
Consider a scenario in which all 3 time the scheduler failed and it triggered email to admin and admin make changed to configuration (cron expression) to re-run the scheduler. Now the admin dont want to run scheduler for 3 times so he changed the expression to [0 0 23 ? * *] which is 11pm.
So normally the scheduler will run only one time at 11pm.
My Requirement:
Even though the admin schedule to run the scheduler once or twice or 5 times etc, irrespective of the cron expression, the scheduler must run 3 times. How to do this?