I have been trying to do a basic reverse replication in CQ5.5, viz. activating from publish to author.
Referred http://helpx.adobe.com/cq/kb/HowToUseReverseReplication.html.
I installed the pack in my author[http://localhost:4502] and replicated the filters to publish[http://localhost:4503].
When I click on Submit Query in http://localhost:4503/cf#/content/geometrixx/en/comments.html, the content is modified on the publish node, but the Reverse Replication Agent (publish_reverse) does not seem to poll and get the text which i submitted.
Is workflow a must as dev docs has mentioned "Reverse replication does not happen when a node is created."
Please guide on what I am missing.
Solved! Go to Solution.
You are using the oob comments & no need to have workflow launcher configured. Follow below steps
* Remove workflow launcher configuration you have done.
* Make sure reverse replication enabled in author
* Make sure outbox enabled in author
* In author comment page make a first dummy post.
* Activate the comment page & as well first post under /content/usergenerated.....
* Now try to post from publish & verify. It should replicate back to author..
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Have you enabled reverse replication agent? Also make sure comments are stored below usergenerated node.
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We have passed this to the eng team. Hoping to get an expert in this area to help you.
Thank you for your feedback about the documentation. We will work with the team to improve this area.
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I have enabled the reverse replication in both author an publish env. below is the screenshot
i Am getting the below error in publish logs
23.10.2013 01:07:10.446 *ERROR* [pool-6-thread-34-com/day/cq/replication/job/flush(com/day/cq/replication/job/flush)] com.day.cq.replication.impl.AgentManagerImpl Job contains agent which is not started: flush. waiting ReplicationJob{event=org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=com/day/cq/replication/job/flush]}
Test connection is success. but the data is not moving from publish to author
what happens when you start the flush replication agent?
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Have you enabled and activated http://localhost:4502/etc/replication/agents.publish/outbox.html
It is in active only.
Now i am getting the error as
*ERROR* [Reverse Replication Processor] com.day.cq.replication.impl.ReverseReplicator Error while poling agent outbox com.day.cq.replication.ReplicationException: Unable to replicate content with no polling transport handler. Check configuration.
at com.day.cq.replication.impl.AgentImpl.poll(AgentImpl.java:504)
at com.day.cq.replication.impl.ReverseReplicator.poll(ReverseReplicator.java:287)
at com.day.cq.replication.impl.ReverseReplicator.poll(ReverseReplicator.java:258)
at com.day.cq.replication.impl.ReverseReplicator.run(ReverseReplicator.java:195)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)
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In outbox agent you have enabled 'Use for reverse replication'. Please un-check this box on your publish instance and verify this again. That should remove the error you are getting.
That option needs to be used poll the content on the publish from the author instance
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I was also facing the same issue as stated above on unchecking the 'Use for reverse replication' in publish worked.
But i am facing the below error now please help
I have configured the agents on author in the author and the agents on publish in the publish environment.
workflow launcher is created for the folder (sling:folder) with reverse replication for the path /content/usergenerated(/.*)
Now when a folder is created in the /content/usergenerated path i am getting the below error
In author
in the /etc/workflow/instances of author i am getting the error
In Publish
in the /etc/workflow/instances of publishi am getting the error
folder that is getting created in the publish is not moving to the author
Can someone please help me with this issue?
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You are using the oob comments & no need to have workflow launcher configured. Follow below steps
* Remove workflow launcher configuration you have done.
* Make sure reverse replication enabled in author
* Make sure outbox enabled in author
* In author comment page make a first dummy post.
* Activate the comment page & as well first post under /content/usergenerated.....
* Now try to post from publish & verify. It should replicate back to author..
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