We're using OOTB SAML auth handler for authentication and we have no issue with login and same being used since long time. However, For some reason we see below error in our logs occasionally and the same reported by the AMS team. We're not able to reproduce this issue at all. Did anyone come across such issue and any suggestions on how we can reproduce or avoid this error?
POST /saml_login HTTP/1.1] org.apache.sling.servlets.post.impl.operations.ModifyOperation Exception during response processing.
org.apache.sling.api.resource.PersistenceException: Resource at '/saml_login' is not modifiable.
at org.apache.sling.servlets.post.impl.helper.SlingPropertyValueHandler.setProperty(SlingPropertyValueHandler.java:114) [org.apache.sling.servlets.post:2.3.26]
Solved! Go to Solution.
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That's a classic one. Let me walk you through my thinking:
So you should start the troubleshooting like this:
* do these messages just appear in single instances? Or rather in batches?
* can you correlate it with start and stop of other services?
Check ACLs whether you have write permission or not.
That's a classic one. Let me walk you through my thinking:
So you should start the troubleshooting like this:
* do these messages just appear in single instances? Or rather in batches?
* can you correlate it with start and stop of other services?
Hi @Jörg_Hoh @Himanshu_Jain @prajwalreddi
I have also face this exact issue recently and in my case, it was the certificate alias which was mismatching i.e. the alias from Truststore console was different than the one configured in the SAML OSGI configuration.
Thanks for posting the question and answers.
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