I have implemented an custom DAM Handler to create video image renditions at different parts of the video using FFMpegWrapper. I need to rename the rendition with the time interval from the still. When I try to move the rendition an exception occurs saying the rendition node does not exist. Here is the code:
BufferedImage thumbnail = bufferedImage if(thumbnail != null) { BufferedImage rgbaThumbnail = new BufferedImage(thumbnail.getWidth(), thumbnail.getHeight(), 2) rgbaThumbnail.getGraphics().drawImage(thumbnail, 0, 0, (ImageObserver)null) ThumbnailGenerator generator = new ThumbnailGenerator(asset, rgbaThumbnail) HashSet configs = new HashSet() configs.add(new ThumbnailConfigImpl(weight,height,false)) generator.generate(configs) } Rendition rendition = asset.getRendition("cq5dam.thumbnail."+ weight + "." + height + ".png") rename(rendition, imageName) session.move(rendition.getPath(), rendition.getParent().getPath() + "/" + imageName)