I created one datasource in AEM cloudservices based on a SAP-WEB-Service. I used this within an AEM FormDataModel and configured it. When testing this FormDataModel, an error is shown instead of a propper result:
com.adobe.aemfd.dermis.authentication.exception.AuthenticationException: AEM-AUT-001-007
I can't find any hint on this problem ...
in AEM error log, these lines are shown:
19.07.2018 14:18:53.753 *ERROR* [ [1532002733733] POST /lc/content/dam/formsanddocuments-fdm/z_read_material_g1d.executeDermisQuery.json HTTP/1.1] com.adobe.aem.dermis.core.servlet.DermisBridgeServlet Exception while executing operation
com.adobe.aem.dermis.exception.DermisException: com.adobe.aemfd.dermis.authentication.exception.AuthenticationException: AEM-AUT-001-007
at com.adobe.aem.dermis.api.AbstractConnector.getAuthDetails(AbstractConnector.java:383) [aem-dermis-api:2.1.6]
at com.adobe.aem.dermis.api.AbstractConnector.executeOperation(AbstractConnector.java:455) [aem-dermis-api:2.1.6]
at com.adobe.aem.dermis.core.service.ConnectorManager.executeOperation(ConnectorManager.java:172) [aem-dermis-core:2.1.6]
at com.adobe.aem.dermis.core.bridge.impl.DermisBridge.executeOperation(DermisBridge.java:151) [aem-dermis-core:2.1.6]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:617)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Caused by: com.adobe.aemfd.dermis.authentication.exception.AuthenticationException: AEM-AUT-001-007
at com.adobe.aemfd.dermis.authentication.services.AuthenticationManager.getAuthentication(AuthenticationManager.java:102) [aem-dermis-authentication-core:2.1.6]
at com.adobe.aemfd.dermis.authentication.services.AuthenticationManager.getAuthDetails(AuthenticationManager.java:116) [aem-dermis-authentication-core:2.1.6]
at com.adobe.aem.dermis.api.AbstractConnector.getAuthDetails(AbstractConnector.java:380) [aem-dermis-api:2.1.6]
... 151 common frames omitted
19.07.2018 14:18:56.059 *INFO* [oak-repository-executor-1] com.adobe.granite.repository Service [8111, [org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.jmx.SessionMBean]] ServiceEvent REGISTERED
19.07.2018 14:18:56.061 *INFO* [oak-repository-executor-1] com.adobe.granite.repository Service [8112, [org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.jmx.SessionMBean]] ServiceEvent REGISTERED
19.07.2018 14:18:56.064 *INFO* [oak-repository-executor-1] com.adobe.granite.repository Service [8113, [org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.jmx.SessionMBean]] ServiceEvent REGISTERED
Ich kann absolut keinen Hinweis zu diesem Problem finden ...
Solved! Go to Solution.
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Late answer but I get this error message when I enter a wrong identifier of a Custom Authenticator in the datasource config.
Are you following an online Doc to perform this task!
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Yes, I followed the steps as written in online articles. I had a functionable Situation, that has the same Problem now. I do not know the reasons, but there has to be an authentiacation issue somewhere ...
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Late answer but I get this error message when I enter a wrong identifier of a Custom Authenticator in the datasource config.
How're you using "Custom Authenticator" option given in the DataSource Config? How it's being mapped your custom authenticator Service/Servlet? Can you please share some snippet or article for reference.
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Have to admit that was 4 years ago and we decided to drop all forms support due to the wast amount of bugs in the forms product, it was just too expensive and buggy. We built our own forms implementation for what we needed instead.
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