Hey guys
The title sums it up pretty well. I'm extending GridPanel and in that custom GridPanel I want to do the following:
Until now i have the following code:
/** * custom grid view * @type {CQ.Ext.grid.GridPanel} */ Namics.form.ExternalFormReferences = CQ.Ext.extend(CQ.Ext.grid.GridPanel, { store: new CQ.Ext.data.JsonStore({ data: { references: [ {path: '/path/to/entry1', title: 'Entry 1'}, {path: '/path/to/entry2', title: 'Entry 2'} ] }, root: 'references', fields: ['path', 'title'] }), columns: [ { header: 'Path', width: .5, dataIndex: 'path' }, { header: 'Title', width: .35, dataIndex: 'title' } ], viewConfig: { forceFit: true }, sm: new CQ.Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({singleSelect:true}), width:600, height:300, frame:true, iconCls:'icon-grid', constructor : function(config) { Namics.form.ExternalFormReferences.superclass.constructor.call(this, config); findParentByType("CQ.Dialog"); //return null (too early?) }, }); CQ.Ext.reg("externalformreferences", Namics.form.ExternalFormReferences);
I'm struggling in finding a good moment (be it listener or constructor) to fetch the current crx path, do the servlet call and later update the GridPanel. Do you have any tips for me? I'm currently working with static Json data until I have found a good listener/method to obtain the current crx path.
Solved! Go to Solution.
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ok guys, i got a working solution, i used a compositefield for it:
/** * custom grid view * @type {CQ.Ext.grid.GridPanel} */ Namics.form.ExternalFormReferences2 = CQ.Ext.extend(CQ.form.CompositeField, { listeners: { beforeshow: function (component) { var crxPath = this.findParentByType("dialog").path; var store = new CQ.Ext.data.JsonStore({ url: '/externalformsreferences?path=' + crxPath, root: 'references', fields: ['path'] }); store.load(); var columns = [ { header: 'Path', dataIndex: 'path' } ] var grid = new CQ.Ext.grid.GridPanel({ store: store, columns: columns, viewConfig: { forceFit: true }, sm: new CQ.Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({singleSelect: true}), width: 600, height: 300 }); this.add(grid); } } }); CQ.Ext.reg("externalformreferences2", Namics.form.ExternalFormReferences2);
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ok guys, i got a working solution, i used a compositefield for it:
/** * custom grid view * @type {CQ.Ext.grid.GridPanel} */ Namics.form.ExternalFormReferences2 = CQ.Ext.extend(CQ.form.CompositeField, { listeners: { beforeshow: function (component) { var crxPath = this.findParentByType("dialog").path; var store = new CQ.Ext.data.JsonStore({ url: '/externalformsreferences?path=' + crxPath, root: 'references', fields: ['path'] }); store.load(); var columns = [ { header: 'Path', dataIndex: 'path' } ] var grid = new CQ.Ext.grid.GridPanel({ store: store, columns: columns, viewConfig: { forceFit: true }, sm: new CQ.Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({singleSelect: true}), width: 600, height: 300 }); this.add(grid); } } }); CQ.Ext.reg("externalformreferences2", Namics.form.ExternalFormReferences2);
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Nice work -- anther option you can do is invoke a Sling Servlet to populate an xtype. In this article - a sling Servlet returns JSON data to populate an xtype:
A front end component build with xtypes can be extended to invoke a servlet to get data.
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