I have a requirement to read data from a csv in AEM DAM environment. The data will then be processed using Python/Databricks and stored elsewhere.
Is there an API or equivalent process to read this data using Python?
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@JacksonLa You can check this post how python works with AEM
Personally never tried this but interesting to see how to set up permission to read from production.
This looks promising, thank you for sharing.
I was hoping to be able to read the file contents directly to a pandas dataframe rather than downloading locally first, but I think this will work nicely if that is not possible.
Sorry, the question is not clear to me, are you looking for a way to export data from AEM DAM and then use it elsewhere? (phyton or whatever other system?) OR are you looking for a way to process a CSV and upload data into AEM?
Please take a look at this ootb option to import/export assets' metadata which i think may be helpful: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/assets/metadata/metadata-import-exp...
I am looking to use the data elsewhere, so I want to export it from AEM. Ideally I could just read it from a code based solution in Python and not have to download the entire file locally before processing.
Unfortunately this link is not helpful for my case since I want to read the entire set of actual data inside the csv file and not the metadata of the document.