I happened to reindex OOTB damassetlucene index and it is in running state , not corrupt. Reindex is still true and has not changed its value to false
We have huge number of assets on the system
I happen to see text extraction messages coming up in the logs, is it common if Re indexing is triggered ?
Is this a known error that would resolve when Re indexing is complete ?
accessing search results page for assets alone, throws below error
On JMX, index stats for that index says 0B size so assuming it is in process ? Estimated entry count is 0
/mnt/overlay/granite/ui/content/shell/omnisearch/searchresults.html org.apache.sling.engine.impl.SlingRequestProcessorImpl service: Uncaught SlingException
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: rep:facet(jcr:content/metadata/dc:format) can't be evaluated by traversal
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Anyone please ?
Could you please provide some background about the issues you are facing.
Hi Vijayalakshmi,
I was working on omnisearch and i had an index which unfortunately did not have sling:prefix in its header and it had the damlucene index in the filter as update, so it created troubles. I tried reindexing and (possibly deleting via build can't recollect).But now it is in the repository via build.
Now i see text extraction running, not sure why ? While only reindexing was triggered. I realized this while checking search results page for assets where the issue was then thrown as shown below. Text extraction per thread dumps indicates that it is blocking the indexing from being executed. The reindex is still true for the index
Does reindexing somehow trigger text extraction? I have raised a day care ticket for this.
While the result of assets are returned tehy are not displayed and an error is shown in console. What gets displayed is empty body saying "Search results -1 of -1" or so
/mnt/overlay/granite/ui/content/shell/omnisearch/searchresults.html org.apache.sling.engine.impl.SlingRequestProcessorImpl service: Uncaught SlingException
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: rep:facet(jcr:content/metadata/dc:format) can't be evaluated by traversal
What i see is
/oak:index/damAssetLucene Type : lucene Async : true Async lane name : async Last indexed up to : XXX Size : 0 B Estimated entry count : 0
Thanks for the inputs. Could you please elaborate on this point - i had an index which unfortunately did not have sling:prefix in its header and it had the damlucene index in the filter as update, so it created troubles.
About your query on Text extraction, Based on OOTB tika config or if you have custom tika config as part of damAssetLucene, text extraction from assets will happen. Is it possible for you to share related log statements.