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Queries while upgrading from AEM 6.2 to AEM 6.3


Level 3


I have few queries on while performing AEM 6.2 to 6.3 upgrade Please let me know the below.

1. Do we need to Asset UI customization while migrating from AEM 6.2 to AEM 6.3 ? Per instruction we need to do only if current version is less than 6.2

2. Do we need to Generating Asset IDs for Existing Assets as mandatory ?

3. I have not done the above two steps for my upgrade however during upgrade process I got the below error. If someone let me know if this can be ignored?

27.03.2018 20:18:41.402 *ERROR* [FelixStartLevel] com.day.cq.compat.codeupgrade.impl.cq63.CQ63AssetsMetadataFormsUpdate Migrating assets custom metadata forms failed

javax.jcr.ItemExistsException: /conf/global/settings/dam/adminui-extension/metadataschema

        at org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.jcr.delegate.WorkspaceDelegate.copy(WorkspaceDelegate.java:77)

        at org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.jcr.session.WorkspaceImpl$2.performVoid(WorkspaceImpl.java:153)

        at org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.jcr.delegate.SessionDelegate.performVoid(SessionDelegate.java:274)

        at org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.jcr.session.WorkspaceImpl.copy(WorkspaceImpl.java:140)

        at org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.jcr.session.WorkspaceImpl.copy(WorkspaceImpl.java:122)

        at com.day.cq.compat.codeupgrade.impl.cq63.CQ63AssetsMetadataFormsUpdate.copy(CQ63AssetsMetadataFormsUpdate.java:199)

        at com.day.cq.compat.codeupgrade.impl.cq63.CQ63AssetsMetadataFormsUpdate.doUpgrade(CQ63AssetsMetadataFormsUpdate.java:137)

        at com.day.cq.compat.codeupgrade.impl.AbstractCodeUpgradeTask.run(AbstractCodeUpgradeTask.java:64)

        at com.adobe.cq.upgradesexecutor.Activator.runUpgradeTasks(Activator.java:350)

        at com.adobe.cq.upgradesexecutor.Activator.finishUpgradeExecution(Activator.java:220)

        at com.adobe.cq.upgradesexecutor.Activator.start(Activator.java:170)

        at org.apache.felix.framework.util.SecureAction.startActivator(SecureAction.java:697)

        at org.apache.felix.framework.Felix.activateBundle(Felix.java:2227)

        at org.apache.felix.framework.Felix.startBundle(Felix.java:2145)

        at org.apache.felix.framework.Felix.setActiveStartLevel(Felix.java:1372)

        at org.apache.felix.framework.FrameworkStartLevelImpl.run(FrameworkStartLevelImpl.java:308)

        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)


4. Right now after AEM 6.2 to AEM 6.3 upgrade I'm not able to do anything in metadata schema editor. Even if I try to copy the default schema and edit, Editor page is opening fine but I'm not able to click or edit any components of it. Anyone came across this kind of issue?

Any help is much appreciated.



3 Replies



Jörg Hoh​ Any idea about this one?

Kautuk Sahni


Level 3


I have raised Day care ticket for the same and got response for [2] as below.

2. Do we need to Generating Asset IDs for Existing Assets as mandatory ?

Go to Assets and open a DAM Asset to examine its properties. Go to Advanced tab and look for ID value at the bottom of the page such as "127487190-9938-47ab3-787120dh". If there is no value there then you need to run "Generating Asset IDs for Existing Assets". If there is an asset ID value there already, then do nothing" and it can be done POST 6.3 upgrade as well.

For the remaining I still waiting for some one to help especially on the issue [4]




Employee Advisor

Can you post the upgrade.log file? There should be entries describing the progress of the upgrade processes, and there should also be log entries, which show which node is about to get copied.
