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Quartz Scheduler, ThreadDumpCollector and AuthenticationSupport errors in AEM 6.2 cold standby instance.


Level 3

Hi Friends,

I'm using AEM 6.2 and cold standby is configured for author instance.

Recently I saw the logs (error.log)  of cold standby instance where I'm getting the below thread dump collector errors for every minute. Also I'm not able to login into http://domain:port/system/console/bundles of standby instance.

Could any one please let me know how to resolve this issue?


Error.log errors in standby Instance

11.07.2016 14:25:46.465 *ERROR* [sling-default-3047] org.apache.sling.commons.scheduler.impl.QuartzScheduler No discovery available, therefore not executing job com.adobe.granite.threaddump.impl.ThreadDumpCollector@6ea2c919 with name com.adobe.granite.threaddump.impl.ThreadDumpCollector and config LEADER.
11.07.2016 14:26:46.465 *ERROR* [sling-default-3049] org.apache.sling.commons.scheduler.impl.QuartzScheduler No discovery available, therefore not executing job com.adobe.granite.threaddump.impl.ThreadDumpCollector@6ea2c919 with name com.adobe.granite.threaddump.impl.ThreadDumpCollector and config LEADER.
11.07.2016 14:27:46.466 *ERROR* [sling-default-3052] org.apache.sling.commons.scheduler.impl.QuartzScheduler No discovery available, therefore not executing job com.adobe.granite.threaddump.impl.ThreadDumpCollector@6ea2c919 with name com.adobe.granite.threaddump.impl.ThreadDumpCollector and config LEADER.
11.07.2016 14:28:46.465 *ERROR* [sling-default-3051] org.apache.sling.commons.scheduler.impl.QuartzScheduler No discovery available, therefore not executing job com.adobe.granite.threaddump.impl.ThreadDumpCollector@6ea2c919 with name com.adobe.granite.threaddump.impl.ThreadDumpCollector and config LEADER.
11.07.2016 14:29:46.465 *ERROR* [sling-default-3051] org.apache.sling.commons.scheduler.impl.QuartzScheduler No discovery available, therefore not executing job com.adobe.granite.threaddump.impl.ThreadDumpCollector@6ea2c919 with name com.adobe.granite.threaddump.impl.ThreadDumpCollector and config LEADER.


Error Logs after standby server restart:


11.07.2016 17:47:18.349 *INFO* [FelixDispatchQueue] org.apache.felix.framework FrameworkEvent STARTED
11.07.2016 17:47:18.349 *INFO* [FelixDispatchQueue] org.apache.felix.framework Startup finished in 16520ms
11.07.2016 17:47:18.353 *INFO* [FelixDispatchQueue] org.apache.felix.framework Service [Apache Sling Startup Service,1757, [org.apache.sling.launchpad.api.StartupService]] ServiceEvent REGISTERED
11.07.2016 17:48:11.357 *ERROR* [sling-default-3] org.apache.sling.commons.scheduler.impl.QuartzScheduler No discovery available, therefore not executing job com.adobe.granite.threaddump.impl.ThreadDumpCollector@103e5a2a with name com.adobe.granite.threaddump.impl.ThreadDumpCollector and config LEADER.
11.07.2016 17:48:25.036 *ERROR* [qtp1879834176-225] org.apache.sling.engine.impl.SlingHttpContext handleSecurity: AuthenticationSupport service missing. Cannot authenticate request.
11.07.2016 17:48:25.036 *ERROR* [qtp1879834176-225] org.apache.sling.engine.impl.SlingHttpContext handleSecurity: Possible reason is missing Repository service. Check AuthenticationSupport dependencies.
11.07.2016 17:48:55.356 *ERROR* [qtp1879834176-230] org.apache.sling.engine.impl.SlingHttpContext handleSecurity: AuthenticationSupport service missing. Cannot authenticate request.
11.07.2016 17:48:55.356 *ERROR* [qtp1879834176-230] org.apache.sling.engine.impl.SlingHttpContext handleSecurity: Possible reason is missing Repository service. Check AuthenticationSupport dependencies.
11.07.2016 17:49:11.356 *ERROR* [sling-default-3] org.apache.sling.commons.scheduler.impl.QuartzScheduler No discovery available, therefore not executing job com.adobe.granite.threaddump.impl.ThreadDumpCollector@103e5a2a with name com.adobe.granite.threaddump.impl.ThreadDumpCollector and config LEADER.
11.07.2016 17:50:11.357 *ERROR* [sling-default-3] org.apache.sling.commons.scheduler.impl.QuartzScheduler No discovery available, therefore not executing job com.adobe.granite.threaddump.impl.ThreadDumpCollector@103e5a2a with name com.adobe.granite.threaddump.impl.ThreadDumpCollector and config LEADER.
11.07.2016 17:51:11.356 *ERROR* [sling-default-5] org.apache.sling.commons.scheduler.impl.QuartzScheduler No discovery available, therefore not executing job com.adobe.granite.threaddump.impl.ThreadDumpCollector@103e5a2a with name com.adobe.granite.threaddump.impl.ThreadDumpCollector and config LEADER.
11.07.2016 17:52:11.357 *ERROR* [sling-default-3] org.apache.sling.commons.scheduler.impl.QuartzScheduler No discovery available, therefore not executing job com.adobe.granite.threaddump.impl.ThreadDumpCollector@103e5a2a with name com.adobe.granite.threaddump.impl.ThreadDumpCollector and config LEADER.
11.07.2016 17:53:11.356 *ERROR* [sling-default-9] org.apache.sling.commons.scheduler.impl.QuartzScheduler No discovery available, therefore not executing job com.adobe.granite.threaddump.impl.ThreadDumpCollector@103e5a2a with name com.adobe.granite.threaddump.impl.ThreadDumpCollector and config LEADER.





Gunalan V

10 Replies



Hi Gunalan,

you have two errors in the above logs

handleSecurity: AuthenticationSupport service missing. Cannot authenticate request

This is the standard message when trying to access the standby using http, most probably someone tried to access the console. Is this the case?


org.apache.sling.commons.scheduler.impl.QuartzScheduler No discovery available

I have also seen this error in my 6.2 standby and am trying to get clarification on why it is happening.




Level 3

Thanks for your response Opkar. Please see my response below.

Also yesterday I mentioned that I was not able to login into OSGI console of standby instance. Weird thing is I'm seeing that login issue only in my Firefox browser (Getting null pointer exception in ensureLocaleCookieSet method of OSGIManager class) but able to login successfully in chrome browser :) . 


handleSecurity: AuthenticationSupport service missing. Cannot authenticate request

This is the standard message when trying to access the standby using http, most probably someone tried to access the console. Is this the case?


Gunalan V:    Yes, I see this error when I try to access other console apart from OSGI. I think that is the expected behavior for standby.




org.apache.sling.commons.scheduler.impl.QuartzScheduler No discovery available

I have also seen this error in my 6.2 standby and am trying to get clarification on why it is happening.


Gunalan V: Oh ok, Do I need to raise any ticket for the same to Adobe?



Null Pointer Exception Logs when accessing stanby instance OSGI console through firefox


12.07.2016 15:28:57.604 *ERROR* [qtp1851415319-7447] org.apache.felix.http.jetty Exception while processing request to /system/console/bundles (java.lang.NullPointerException)
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
        at org.apache.felix.webconsole.internal.servlet.OsgiManager.ensureLocaleCookieSet(OsgiManager.java:502)
        at org.apache.felix.webconsole.internal.servlet.OsgiManager.service(OsgiManager.java:561)
        at org.apache.felix.webconsole.internal.servlet.OsgiManager$3.run(OsgiManager.java:465)
        at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
        at org.apache.felix.webconsole.internal.servlet.OsgiManager.service(OsgiManager.java:461)
        at org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.handler.ServletHandler.handle(ServletHandler.java:85)
        at org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.dispatch.InvocationChain.doFilter(InvocationChain.java:79)
        at com.adobe.granite.license.impl.LicenseCheckFilter.doFilter(LicenseCheckFilter.java:308)
        at org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.handler.FilterHandler.handle(FilterHandler.java:135)
        at org.apache.felix.http.base.internal.dispatch.InvocationChain.doFilter(InvocationChain.java:74)
        at org.apache.felix.http.sslfilter.internal.SslFilter.doFilter(SslFilter.java:89)




Gunalan V



Hi Gunalan,

yes please raise a ticket, reference internal JIRA ticket GRANITE-11806.

I haven't seen that exception from Firefox before, which version of firefox?




Level 3

Sure Opkar.

After clearing cache, cookies now I'm getting the standby instance login issue (null pointer exception) in all the browsers. Looks like it's not version issue.


Firefox Version: 47.0.1

Chrome Version: 50.0.2661.94 m

IE: 11.0.96



Gunalan V


Level 3


I was using the "nosamplecontent" in author and copied the same repository in standby as well. That might be an issue? 


Also I see similar login issue in this forum but not sure its resolved or not.






Gunalan V



Hi Gunalan,

I've not come across this issue previously. Are you sure there are no error messages much earlier in startup? Can you also share the config files you are using for cold standby setup?




Level 3

Hi Opkar,

Thanks for looking into it.

Now both login and quartz scheduler error logs issue has been resolved. 

I have raised ticket to Adobe and updated the below config as per their suggestion.


For Quartz Scheduler Issue: There is a hot fix package provided by Adobe and it worked.

For Login Issue:

  1. Log in to the server that the cold standby AEM instance is installed on
  2. Stop the standby AEM instance
  3. Open this file in an editor
  4. Add this line to the end of the file
  5. Start the standby instance again



Gunalan V



Great news Gunalan!

Can you share the hot fix number for the quartz scheduler error log issue? 

How did you find the issue with the file OsgiManager.config?





For anyone else that get's this issue with the cold standby, you will see two key exceptions in your log file, the first if the catchall exception: 

org.apache.sling.engine.impl.SlingHttpContext handleSecurity: AuthenticationSupport service missing. Cannot authenticate request.
org.apache.sling.engine.impl.SlingHttpContext handleSecurity: Possible reason is missing Repository service. Check AuthenticationSupport dependencies.

the second exception to look out for is

02.08.2016 16:02:08.609 *ERROR* [qtp1961605094-4440] org.apache.felix.http.jetty Exception while processing request to /system/console/bundles (java.lang.NullPointerException)
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at org.apache.felix.webconsole.internal.servlet.OsgiManager.ensureLocaleCookieSet(OsgiManager.java:502)

In order to fix this, you need to go to the primary and add the local "en_US" to the OSGI configuration: http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr/org.apache.felix.webconsole.internal.servlet.OsgiMana...

then re-create your standby, in this way, it will always be present when you re-create your standby instances. You can simply add the file to your standby instance, but the next time you re-create the standby, it won't be there. 






Level 3

Hi Opkar,

Sorry for the late reply.

I'm not sure what is the hotfix number but the package I used was cq-6.2.0-hotfix-11700-1.0. Assuming 11700 is the hotfix number :)

Also for OSGI config I know the issue is due to the locale but the work around was provided by Adobe team.



Gunalan V