I imported all product categories and all products to /etc/commerce/products/myCatalog and created a product catalog blueprint at /content/catalogs/myCatalog. After the catalog rollout to a live copy all categories were created as expected, but all products were missing. In the catalog blueprint I set the attribute "matchTags" for every category in ".../jcr:content/filter" and I also set the "cq:tags" property for every product at /etc/commerce/products/myCatalog.
In the blueprint I also added the two rollout config "/etc/msm/rolloutconfigs/catalogpagecontent" and "/etc/msm/rolloutconfigs/catalogrollouthooks". So I think, I have the same configuration like in the geometrixx example. But in my case the products are not assigned to the matching categories (machting by matchTags dn cq:tags).
Has anybody an idea what is missing or where I can find good documentation for the product rollout? I can't find any documentation, where all needed configurations are described in more than on short sentence or less.