I’m new to Brackets and AEM 6 coming from the old 5.5 development setup and having problems getting the Slightly integration on my local machine working. I’m following the instructions here (http://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/dev-tools/sightly-brackets.html) but it’s not working for me. What would really help is if someone can provide step by step instructions on connecting to the /apps /libs and /content folders for geometrixx (since everyone has this) and I can replicate for my own project.
These are the steps I’m taking that aren’t working.
- Install & load AEM
- Install Brackets & Slightly extension
- Update project settings to connect to localhost with default username/password
- Created two directories inside the Brackets folder called /brackets/projects/geometrixx/jcr_root and /brackets/projects/geometrixx/META-INF/vault/filter.xml with the file content below.
- Choose File > Open Folder > geometrixx and click import and export content package
<workspaceFilter version="1.0">
<filter root="/apps/geometrixx" />
<filter root="/content"> />
<filter root="/libs"> />
<filter root="/etc/geometrixx" />
At this point, nothing happens. After restarting a few times, the pink AEM button in the right side became enabled and clicking it generated an invalid username/password error (using the default AEM admin account credentials). I managed to only get the button enabled once – no clue how to get back to that point (seems permanently disabled).
Environment: AEM 6 SP2, Brackets 1.1, Windows 8 x64, Java 7u76