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Problem when running an AEM 6.0 application on AEM 6.2


Level 2

I installed AEM 6.2 in my laptop in Windows and then I downloaded packages from our 6.0 application and installed them. When I look at the application's bundle, I see that some packages can't be resolved. The description from the console is : 

com.adobe.xmp,version=[0.0,1) -- Cannot be resolved
com.day.cq.commons,version=[5.7,6) -- Cannot be resolved
com.day.cq.commons.jcr,version=[5.7,6) -- Cannot be resolved
com.itextpdf.text -- Cannot be resolved
com.itextpdf.text.pdf -- Cannot be resolved
com.itextpdf.text.pdf.codec -- Cannot be resolved
com.nimbusds.jose,version=[4.12,5) -- Cannot be resolved
com.nimbusds.jose.crypto,version=[4.12,5) -- Cannot be resolved
com.nimbusds.jwt,version=[4.12,5) -- Cannot be resolved
com.siml.portal.registration -- Cannot be resolved

When I look at our pom files, the packages com.adobe.xmp, com.day.cq.commons and com.day.cq.commons.jcr for instance, are not there as dependencies. I thought I could change the version numbers for these packages. My two questions are, where can I change these version numbers?What are the bundles that could be exporting these packages? 



13 Replies


Level 9

And also try build your application using uber jar.This avoids maintaining the each and every dependency related to AEM.

Note:Still you need to include the if there are 3rd party jar's dependencies.



Level 2

I included this dependency in my pom file but after successfully building the application, the uber jar file is not downloaded.


Level 9

Ideally jar should be downloaded.


Where are you checking??



Level 2

Hi Lebo,

I am also having same issue. Lots of bundles are not resolved. Depfinder dependency version and repo version are different tried to include uber-jar with classifier "apis" but repo has corrupted jar file and "obfuscated-apis"  is not resolving the issue. Did you got any solution ?


Level 10

Are you using Maven 10 Archetype to build the project on 6.2. Even when we update sample apps for AEM from 6 to 6.2 - quite often its a combination of ensuring we get the URBER jar in the Project POM and then making sure we get the correct dependencies under core POM. 

For example - when getting SLING MODELs to work on 6.2 - we needed these POM dependencies: 



Otherwise, 6.0 code would not work.


See this article as a guideline:




Hope this helps


Level 2

To get my code to build, I replaced the following dependencies






Level 2

Hi Lebo,

Thanks for the response. I tried with the first option it is working fine. There was a typ0 error in Sling-Model-Package name earlier but still I have an issue with ACS commons package. I am using ACS common with some customizations. ACS commons also updated there pom file to support 6.2 but they used "uber-jar-apis.jar" which is not available in adobe repository(https://repo.adobe.com/nexus/content/groups/public/com/adobe/aem/uber-jar/6.2.0/). I can not use "uber-jar-6.2.0.-obfuscated-apis.jar" bcz they are using some method which is available in "uber-jar-apis.jar" only. Do you have any work around for this ?


Appreciate your help. Thanks


Level 2

Hi Lebo,

I got the solution. The "uber-jar-6.2.0-apis.jar" is available in adobe products page(https://daycare.day.com/home/products/uberjar.html). We need to download from there. To install it in .m2 folder follow the below step.

1. Navigate to uber-jar directory (C:\Users\xxxx\.m2\repository\com\adobe\aem\uber-jar\6.2.0)

2. run the below maven command:

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=cq-quickstart-6.2.0-apis.jar -DgroupId=com.adobe.aem -DartifactId=uber-jar -Dversion=6.2.0 -Dclassifier=apis -Dpackaging=jar


Former Community Member


We are getting same issue with AEM 6.2. Added below dependencies. Still we are getting below error.

com.day.cq.commons,version=[5.6,6) -- Cannot be resolved
com.day.cq.commons.jcr,version=[5.6,6) -- Cannot be resolved
com.day.cq.replication,version=[5.9,6) -- Cannot be resolved

org.apache.sling.event,version=[2.4,3) -- Cannot be resolved

com.adobe.cq.commerce.api,version=[1.1,2) -- Cannot be resolved
com.adobe.cq.commerce.common,version=[1.1,2) -- Cannot be resolved
com.adobe.cq.commerce.hybris.impl -- Cannot be resolved




Tried with both obfuscated-apis and apis. Please help if some one has resolution.

Appreciate your help. Thanks


Level 1

Hi praveen,

Did you get solution to resolve org.apache.sling.event,version=[2.4,3) -- Cannot be resolved.

Please help me. In my project i got same error and unable to resolve.


Level 1

Hi All,

I am unable to resolve org.apache.sling.event,version=[2.4,3) -- Cannot be resolved in migrating from 5.6 to 6.2.

Please help. In my project i got same error and unable to resolve.


Level 10

YOu need to rebuild your bundles for AEM 6.2. YOu cannot simply run a package for 5.6 on 6.2.