Are you curious about how often you should save the AEM JCR Session when performing a lot of modifications? We've added an experiment to try out different options. Try out "Performance Impact of Changing the JCR Session Save Frequency"
Performance Impact of Changing the JCR Session Save Frequency
This experiment demonstrates the impact that the frequency of session save calls has on AEM's performance.
This experiment is compatible with both AEM 6.5 and AEM as a Cloud Service.
1. Ensure you have followed the instructions in the main README
2. Ensure your Maven settings.xml file includes a profile for the Adobe Maven Repository
3. Build and install the project code on your local author:
-->Clone this Git repo to a local location
-->In a console, navigate to the aem-project folder located in the project root (created from the AEM Project Archetype).
-->Successfully build and install the package to your localhost's author instance by running mvn -PautoInstallSinglePackage clean install
-->To verify the installation, open the Session Writer Page.
-->Give a few seconds for the packages and bundles to load in AEM.
Note: Logging in as the administrator is optimal.
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Kautuk Sahni