We have been trying to customize parsys component but we would like to know if someone is having some idea on the same and is able to help.
We are trying to extend the OOTB parsys to create our own customized parsys which :-
1. Can have a separate markup generation of its own.
2. Have a dialog in EDIT mode which is able to govern the column control feature from there and we don't have to use a column control OOTB.
3. Design dialog remains the same.
4. Conventionally what happens is when a new component is dragged-dropped on to the parsys, the blank parsys area shifts down and more components can be added.
What we also want is an option to control the new parsys generation so that we are able to limit the number of components allowed on the parsys. For e.g. if we set this limit to one then we can at most drop one component into the parsys after which it must not allow any other component to be added there.
Kindly help if someone has already work on these customizations. Any pointers to resources will also be helpful