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page properties not shown while creating page from a template


Level 4

Followed the tutorial on the link :

Adobe Experience Manager Help | Creating your First Adobe Experience Manager 6.3 website

And created a template as per the tutorial, But when I try to implement the template and create a basic page with that after getting the title page properties tab is empty and cannot use the template to create a new page. This problem seems critical! please help.Screenshot is attached.


9 Replies



Check the browser error and AEM error.log

Kautuk Sahni


Community Advisor


It could be a permission issue, are you logged in as admin user or content-author?

Arun Patidar


Level 1

Yes, this is a permission issue. Please check if the user or the group that he/she is part of has access to /apps/<app-name>. 

specifically the node from where page properties are derived inside /apps/<app-name>

Once the permission is given to /apps/<app-name> it will start showing page properties while creating a page using the template.


Level 4

actually it was a syntax error since I have copied a '.' to the Supertype field. Thanks everyone.


Level 10

I was about to create a video that steps through this - i am glad you have it fixed.


Level 1

can you help me i am facing the same problem


Level 1

there is directory error

go to page-crx/de

check components and template directory


Level 1

This issue might come because of the core components.If the core components are not compatible with the AEM version this issue will arise.


Level 3

when creating a page I did not see the properties configuration for AEM WKND. Very strange, the build was ok, but reading the documentation it was important to put "-Pclassic" in the Maven command. So for the Aem versions 6.4/6.5 is necessary to insert this command. Then inserting


"mvn clean install -PautoInstallSinglePackage -Pclassic"


all solved!