Hi Team,
In AEM 6.3 i am working on re-captcha configuration from AEM cloud services in my local instanbce i am able to see google recaptcah as service but in our dev instance and stage i am not able to see that. can you please help if i need to enable it from somewhere to work.
under path /libs/cq/core/content/tools/cloudservices.html
from aem home page to
Under this cloud service there is no option for re-captcha but in my local i am able to see that. Under CRXDE as well /etc/cloudservices/recaptcha the node is there.
Solved! Go to Solution.
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By default AEM doesn’t ship with a cloud services for recaptcha.
This must be a custom built utility so you can find that pckage or create one including pckage of etc/cloudeservices to use in dev instance
Can you check the permissions on this path - /etc/cloudservices/ in DEV and Stage. (this suggestion is applicable only if you are not signed in those environments as admin)
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By default AEM doesn’t ship with a cloud services for recaptcha.
This must be a custom built utility so you can find that pckage or create one including pckage of etc/cloudeservices to use in dev instance