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MSM Touch UI - Open component in touch ui without breaking inheritance.


Level 3


Can we have the component to open without having to break inheritance like in classic ui.

Below is my scenario:

I need to have field level inheritance where certain fields in the component only should inherit content and break inheritance for the rest. This is possible in classic using "fieldEditLockMode" and also in classic we can open the component without having to break the inheritance and hence break inheritance of fields required only which serves my requirement. In touch ui, the property "cq-msm-lockable" is used for field level inheritance. But in touch, as per my understanding we can open the component only if inheritance is broken. Not sure if "cq-msm-lockable"  will help in my scenario.

Please let me know if I am missing any step for touch ui or there is any solution for this.



7 Replies


Level 10

They covered this question today during the Ask the AEM Community Experts on this subject. I will post link when its posted


Level 3



Level 2


I am also looking for a way to have some component properties inherited and some properties not inherited.

Can you please post the link?


Level 3

Any update on this?

even i have the same requirement.


Level 10


Level 3

But I think with the touch UI, we cannot open the component without breaking the inheritance. In classic UI it was possible and hence possible to break the inheritance of the only the required fields/widgets.

Please let me know if my understanding is not right.


Level 3

Is it possible to retain inheritance of child components when parent component inheritance is broken??

i mean i have container component , inside container i have 3 more components (link , rich text components).When i break inheritance of container component in live copy, child components inheritance is also breaking.

Do you have any idea how to retain child component inheritance when parent inheritance is broken in touch ui aem 6.2?

