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I am able to replicate this issue on AEM 6.5.9 and AEM 6.5.0 -
It is happening because AEM Modernize Tools - Corecom.adobe.aem.aem-modernize-tools.core bundle is in installed state as shown below -
I have tried to install below version -
But I didn't face this issue 2 years back and that time this tool(utility) worked perfectly.
I am able to replicate this issue on AEM 6.5.9 and AEM 6.5.0 -
It is happening because AEM Modernize Tools - Corecom.adobe.aem.aem-modernize-tools.core bundle is in installed state as shown below -
I have tried to install below version -
But I didn't face this issue 2 years back and that time this tool(utility) worked perfectly.
hi @Mshajiahmed
We are using 6.5.11 and we downloaded modernization tool from software downloads. It is working perfectly fine for us for all conversions including dialog too.Please let me know whats error you are getting when you try using dialog conversion.
Hi @Pallavi_Shukla_ @DEBAL_DAS
I installed sp11 package, still the same issue
when I look at modernize bundle I do see
javax.servlet,version=[4.0,5) -- Cannot be resolved
In the error logs I see
02.03.2022 07:46:16.285 *ERROR* [metrics-RRD4JReporter-1-thread-1] com.codahale.metrics.ScheduledReporter Exception thrown from RRD4JReporter#report. Exception was suppressed.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: RRD already closed, cannot store this sample
even after I download javax.servlet version 4.0.0 jar file bundle cannot be resolved test is gone I see the above error log
I think you can use 1.0.0 aem modernization tool version which works perfectly fine with 6.5.11 aem version if dialog conversion is the end goal.
I am getting following error when installing 1.0.0 on AEM 6.5 with sp11
Its a known bug - just delete the node manually once which is throwing error, reintall the package and you would be good
It is happening because the tool node type should be un
I installed 2.0.12 successfully, i am able to see some progress
it is making an ajax request
which is returning following response
{"success":false,"message":"Unable to schedule job(s), check logs for details","job":null}
In the log following error reported
02.03.2022 08:03:22.270 *WARN* [[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1] [1646226202229] POST /mnt/overlay/aem-modernize/content/component/job/create.json HTTP/1.1] The provided service principal name 'aem-modernize-schedule-job-service' is not a known JCR system user id and therefore not allowed in the Sling Service User Mapper.
02.03.2022 08:03:22.272 *ERROR* [[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1] [1646226202229] POST /mnt/overlay/aem-modernize/content/component/job/create.json HTTP/1.1] com.adobe.aem.modernize.servlet.ScheduleConversionJobServlet Repository error when creating job.
javax.jcr.LoginException: Can neither derive user name nor principal names for bundle com.adobe.aem.aem-modernize-tools.core [625] and sub service schedule-job
are you supplying the correct dialog path to the tool? Can you please give the screenshot. I didnt find such issue with this version.
There is no issue with below version -
Bundle is in active state -
Dialog conversion tool page -
No issue with dialog conversion -
Tested on AEM 6.5.9. We are facing dependency issue with latest version.
Thanks @DEBAL_DAS @Pallavi_Shukla_
I used 1.0.0 version on AEM 6.5 SP11, it is working fine now I can see dialog conversion interface.