I have the requirement to make dropdown field as required property. So i have overlay the /libs/dam/gui/components/admin/schemaforms/formbuilder/formfields/dropdownfield and updated the dropdownfield.jsp to have required by uncommenting
<sling:include resource="<%= resource %>" resourceType="/libs/dam/gui/components/admin/schemaforms/formbuilder/formfieldproperties/requiredfields"/
Then i updated the /apps/dam/gui/coral/components/admin/schemaforms/formbuilder/formfields/dropdownfield/dropdownfield.jsp to include "requiredfields"
String[] settingsList = {"labelfields", "jsonfields", "metadatamappertextfield", "disableineditmodefields", "requiredfields", "multivalue", "showemptyfieldinreadonly", "orderedlist"};
I updated the metadata schema editor to have required for my dropdown field. But i when i open the document and add all the required field and save it shows me "One or more required field(s) is/are empty." message.
Any ideas why it is not working? I am using aem 6.2 version.