Hello everyone,
I have a project in /apps and there are a couple of templates created under that. Now, I am trying to use those templates in Sites under Campaigns folder.
I have set the allowed path property for the template as /content/campaigns/folder_name(./*)?
Can someone please provide pointers here.
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Sorry misunderstanding, have you tried to follow this tutorial? https://docs.adobe.com/content/help/en/experience-manager-65/developing/extending-aem/extending-form...
@Tanmay137 Is this a campaign specific template ? I was checking how the we-retail has setup campaigns and I could see they are using the same from out of the box. There template is /libs/cq/personalization/templates/campaign and which is allowed only under /libs/cq/personalization/templates/ambit . May be you can check this for any guidance.
Hi Veena,
Thank you for responding. Yes, we are trying to deliver the that via. campaign. I was able to modify the jcr: content property of Campaigns folder under /content/campaigns to make my template available to use. However, I run into one new issue which is:
While create a page under Campaigns using my template. The page is appearing it to be blank(no parsys where I can drag and drop components), even though the template has parsys already in it.
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