My site has three languages, [English, Chinese and Traditional Chinese].
Using language navigation component we should be able to switch between any language. But in my case I am unable to switch from Traditional Chinese to Chinese.
Remaining all other combinations are working, i.e.
(English to Chinese, English to traditional Chinese),
(Chinese to Traditional Chinese, Chinese to English),
(Traditinal Chinese to English)
When I click on Chinese, Traditional Chinese is repeated twice.
Any luck on this?
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Can you please provide your content hierarchy and what you are configuring in language navigation component dialog?
What error do you get while switching from Traditional Chinese to Chinese and if you inspect console, do you see any error?
Looks like some issue with page hierarchy and language page creation.
How did you created language pages for Traditional Chinese and Chinese?
I see no issue with the language copy. It is effecting only one language, remaining are working fine.
@SRC_AEM_DEV If you have successfully found a solution on your own, we kindly ask that you share it with the community for future reference and mark it as the correct answer.
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