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Language Copy is not working in XF live copy


Level 2

Hi Everyone,
    I am facing the issue in experience fragment, like live copy is working from XF lang-master to XF live copy. But the moment when I am creating language copy its not reflecting in live copy. As per this thread: https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-manager/language-copy-reference-up...

below line is present in this path:



<assetNode resourceType="cq/experience-fragments/editor/components/experiencefragment" assetReferenceAttribute="fragmentPath"/>


Also, there is no override is created at location  /conf/global/settings/translation/rules/translation_rules.xml


Kindly anyone help on this problem statement, Thanks in advance!


CC: @aanchal-sikka 

6 Replies



@Tethich @PRATHYUSHA_VP @Shashi_Mulugu @A_H_M_Imrul @BrianKasingli @RiteshYadav18 @adilyataim @Vijayalakshmi_S @SDusane Your expertise would be really valuable here! Please have a look at this question when you get a chance.

Kautuk Sahni


Level 9

@jooca  can you check below for the required experience structure to ensure you have the right component and structure in place prior to the live/language copy operation 






Level 2

This is not the right solution


Community Advisor

@jooca can you please share more details such as your current msm structure? Which version of aem you are using aem cloud vs 6.5? 


How are you creating language copies?


Level 2

I have tried in both 6.5 and cloud versions with latest sp


Community Advisor

Sure can you please help with other details I requested?