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java.io.IOException: classFile.delete() failed


Level 6



One of our production publishers failed with 500 internal errors.


Upon checking the logs we found below:


org.apache.sling.engine.impl.SlingRequestProcessorImpl service: Uncaught SlingException

java.io.IOException: classFile.delete() failed



 This particular issue was resolved automatically after 10 minutes, but still we restarted the instances.


What could be the possible root cause of this, and what actions can we take to prevent the recurrence of this issue?



1 Accepted Solution


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Level 6


Hi Everyone, Below is the update received from Adobe.

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16 Replies


Community Advisor

Is this happening only in production instances?, are you able to replicate this issue in lower environment.

Please raise a Support ticket with AMS (adobe managed services) to check with their engineering team.



Level 6

It happened only  once in one of the Prod publisher and issue resolved automatically within 5 min.


We have raised with Adobe now


Community Advisor

I had this problem on one of our onPrem publish environments before, like back in 2021

We found out that it was related to AEM’s Java class generation (e.g., scripts, components, or HTL templates compiled to Java files). When these class files cannot be deleted properly, it may cause errors, especially under high traffic or during deployments.

How we solved it:

  • Check Error Logs for Compilation Errors: Investigate the logs further to identify whether specific components or scripts failed to compile and generate the class files.

    Look for issues related to HTL (HTML Template Language) or JSP files.

  • Clear Sling Cache: AEM caches compiled scripts and components, and sometimes clearing this cache can resolve the issue.

    •  You can manually clear the Sling Script Cache by navigating to:
    • Click on "Clear JSP Script Cache" to force recompilation of the files.
    • Check the Temporary Directory: Look into the AEM temporary directory (/tmp/aem-cache, /crx-quickstart/tmp, etc.) for any issues with leftover files or a full directory.

It was not 100% understandable for why this happened, but we decided to update the latest AEM service pack, and this problem did not surface anymore.


Level 1

We had the same issue on one of our Prod publishers on SP21. Clearing the JSP cache worked for us as well. I must however mention that the URL to clear it has been changed to /system/console/fsclassloader.


Employee Advisor

Is this AEM 6.5 SP21?


Level 6

Yes, we have recently upgraded SP to 21


Level 2

We also have a client that has begun experiencing this issue on an AEM production publish instance since updating to AEM 6.5 SP21.


Level 6

Hi @keith_howe ,


Did you get any root cause of the issue? Any action you have taken to resolve the same?



Level 2

We did not definitively identify a root-cause yet but we have more gracefully handled some run-time compilation errors in several components in hopes that would help.


Level 6

Hi @Jörg_Hoh ,


Do you expect any issue with SP 21?


Employee Advisor

I just heard from colleagues about a very similar problem (maybe the same?) with AEM 6.5 SP21.

Please report it to Adobe support, but I think that a bugfix is already on its way.


Level 6

Hi @Jörg_Hoh ,


Is there any way, we can get confirmation on the same, so that I can discuss it internally with our team and upgrade the latest SP with the bugfix once they are available



@akhilraj Did you find the suggestions helpful? Please let us know if you require more information. Otherwise, please mark the answer as correct for posterity. If you've discovered a solution yourself, we would appreciate it if you could share it with the community. Thank you!

Kautuk Sahni


Correct answer by
Level 6


Hi Everyone, Below is the update received from Adobe.


Level 6

I am unable to mark it as correct answer, not see the option


Level 1

Did you finally fix the issue with the provided workaround for "Suppress SMAP Generation", and I don't see the option for this component:



One more question, does SP22 fix this issue or not,  I did not find the issue on the SP22 release notes.