We are integrating AEM 6.5 with Adobe launch via Adobe IO and we have followed the procedure mentioned here :https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/aem_launch_adobeio_integration.html: but I don't see the library load and the Launch tags are not firing as well. I have checked IMS Configuration Health and it was a successful connection
All I see is " Adobe Cloud ID object Error"
Any ideas appreciated?
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You mean you don't see the Launch js file getting fired on the Page?
What do you see in the Network tab on Developers Tool for launch keyword? Does it show 404 status code?
Where do you see the "Adobe Cloud ID object Error" error?
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Hi @sunjot16 , Thanks for the reply
Yes, It is showing a status code 404 and the embed URL is redirected to another embed url which is a 404
Any ideas?
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The URL seems to be incorrect.
1) Go to https://experiencecloud.adobe.com/
2) Go to Launch
3) Select your already existing Property.
4) Then, go to Environments tab.
5) Click on box button beneath the Install column to open the instructions.
6) Copy the src attribute's value () & paste it in your configuration on AEM side( Tools -> Cloud Services -> Adobe Launch Configuration -> Properties). Do the same for all your environments in the configuration.
7) Then, publish this config, open the site in new browser & verify whether you no longer see 404 for the launch.min.js file.
Hope it works for you.
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