Is there a recommended way to write custom js to make a field say pathbrowser inside a multifield as a requied field based on a condition?
We can use- .attr("aria-required", "true"); to make the fields required , but what would recommended structure of the js be?
Also what would be the best practice to achive this?
You can check the implementation at for field validation.
@arunpatidar Awesome article
@arunpatidar Is there a way to apply required property based on condition ?, say its optional at first and based on the checkbox on the dialog , the fields are made required and that field is inside a multifield. Similar to the min-max that applies to the whole multifield, whereas, here it is one of the field inside the multi-field.
It is possible to do that based on condition. In your javascript check the dependent field as well and based on both field show/hide error.