Hello dear Adobe Community!
I just received a request that seems like a cool idea.
Sadly i have no idea if it is possible.
Maybe somebody else ran into this and has already a cool solution.
Imagine that in AEM Assets, we have different licences for pictures.
Usually they can be described very broadly. "This image can only be used in the following context: Something something..."
There are some pictures - that need very very specific license. And it would be to much to create an individual license for every occasion.
For example:
"Before using this picture, please contact the person that is in the frame and get his approval.
The persons contact information can be found within the asset description."
And now i was wondering...
Could it be possible to write the licence that dynamicly includes "./jcr:content/metadata/dc:description"?
Like this "Before using this picture, please contact "./jcr:content/metadata/dc:description" to get approval.
Another use would be to have a licence like:
"This asset will expire" -
"Watch out - this asset will expire on "./jcr:content/metadata/prism:expirationDate".
Please be aware of this and do not use it afterwards. If you are planning to create some print media with it, which you want to use for a longer period of time, better look for an alternative if the expiry date is to close.
Maybe there is a much simpler way to archive the latter. Let me know! I am exited to hear from you!
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Hi @Adilos-Cantuerk , Have you tried exploring Digital Rights Management in Assets?
Resource - Digital Rights Management in Assets | Adobe Experience Manager
Using this if you have a protected asset, and if user proceeds to download the asset, a license agreement is shown to the the author to accept or decline the.
The path of the page to display is referenced by xmpRights:WebStatement property
Which displays message like below
In terms and condition section as shown in the image above is a text component. Instead, you may use your custom component here to get the message directly from asset property if you need to.
This is used by Asset Share Commons License Agreement Modal component - License Agreement Modal | Asset Share Commons (adobe.com)
You can view the above implementation for reference.
Hope this helps!
thank you for your reply!
I currently do the following:
There is a metadata "Terms-of-Service" attached to a pulldown menu.
Option 2: opens up another metadata field "License". Which is connected to ./jcr:content/metadata/xmpRights:WebStatement.
Options in here can be added and modified in the crxde and my options in here work, as you described with the copyright management page.
This means - for every License model, there needs to be an option.
And there are these assets, where you need to contact the person within the picture before using it.
The name of the person / of the people can be found within some other metadata field.
To have the copyright management page including the names of the person / people - it needs to be written in the license.
Now we have hundreds of these pictures, and we do not want to have hundreds of extra licenses.
We settled with one license that includes the text: Please contact the person in the asset before use, you can find the contact information in the field "Model". And a screenshot were to find this field.
What i was looking for is a way to have the license html page to include this information in a dynamic way.
Maybe it would be better to use the other Option which is in the documentation.
- The value of the asset metadata property adobe_dam:restrictions is a raw HTML that specifies the license agreement.
Instead of having a licence "Individual" - create a text field that maps to adobe_dam:restrictions and write something in here.
What i was looking for is a way to have the license html page to include this information in a dynamic way.
- This can be done, as you have read in the documentation too. You may use adobe_dam:restrictions property. However here are other ways to achieve this, a custom component authored on license html page, by using the path reference of the asset can get the property you want to use for the license text.
@shubhanshu_singh schrieb: "...However here are other ways to achieve this, a custom component authored on license html page, by using the path reference of the asset can get the property you want to use for the license text."
Could you push me into the right direction on how i would do this?
"Please contact the person in the asset before use.
< Display $./jcr:content/metadata/Iptc4xmpExt:PersonInImage >