Hi All,
I am aiming for ADO-E116 certification and purchased a voucher for the same.
But it says no code associated/invalid code when I tried to schedule the exam using the voucher with PSI & Examity.
Also noticed a new exam for developer ADO-E134.
Both ADO-E116 and ADO-E134 have the same title as Adobe Experience Manager sites developer expert
With same syllabus when compared both. And both are active.
Question Here is
Is ADO-E116 still valid? If yes what is ADO-E134 for?
Can i still Aim for E116?
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Yes ADO-E116 is still valid and I am able to schedule it from https://prod.examity.com/adobe/Student/ScheduleAnExam.aspx
Even though ADO-E116 and ADO-E134 are having the same title the Exam Objectives and Scope and Intended Audience are a bit different from each other. Please read them carefully and schedule the appointment
Hope it helps!
Kiran Vedantam
Not sure on this but it doesnt work for me on both PSI and Examity...just thinking if this was bcoz of 2 examz with same name