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Introduction to the Adobe Experience Platform - Part 1 | AEM Community Blog Seeding




Introduction to the Adobe Experience Platform - Part 1 by The Digital Marketing Architect


If you have been using Adobe Experience Cloud (AEC) tools lately, you will have heard more than a few times the new kid in town, the Adobe Experience Platform (AEP). I first heard about it 3 years ago, when it was just an initial idea. Now it is with us and I am sure many do not yet understand it.

Before I start to talk about the AEP, I want to clarify that what I will explain is my view. If you have been following my blog, my aim is to simplify Adobe technology or translate it in simple terms, so that it can be easily understood by a wider audience. In this post, I will do the same with the AEP. This is not Adobe’s presentation of the tool.

With that said, let’s crack on!

Segmentation and personalisation today
I am trying to incorporate the habit of starting with the why or the problem we are trying to solve. One way of framing this problem is to start with the history of the AEC.

This blog is about digital marketing. The goal of digital marketing is to send messages through digital channels to the (potential) consumers of the products or services a company sells. And we do not want to just send the same message (i.e. spam) to everybody, we want to send the message that will resonate the most with the recipient. The more accurate the message, the most likely the recipient will convert. This is what we call segmentation and personalisation:
1. Segmentation. Out of the total population, choose a subset that is of interest.
2. Personalisation. Once I know which population I am addressing, I want to customise the message to what is more familiar to them.

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Introduction to the Adobe Experience Platform - Part 1


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Kautuk Sahni

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