Hello all,
I want to integrate the AEM Communities Groups feature into our website so that it looks like a part of the web page rather than a different site and would like to know what my best options are for customizing the appearance of the communities sites. To clarify: I would like the result to look for the Groups feature like what is done with the forum in geometrixx-media - a seamless integration of that feature into my standard templates.
I already found out that I can place the community page at the position where I want it (e.g. /content/geometrixx-media/en/community/mymediacommunity.html) and then overlay libs/social/console/components/basepage so I can pull in the navigation etc. from my own templates. But using an overlay does not seem like the best way to do it.
What would be nice if I could create a Community Site Template that uses a resource type other than social/console/components/basepage for the community pages. Does anybody know if this is possible? Any other ideas for doing such a seamless integration?
I am using AEM 6.1 and Communitites FP6.