Hi Team,
I ran into an issue where I have about multiple custom components, which apply background color based on the parent container style.
Let's say I have 3 components: BasicCard, CustomCard, DetailCard
I have a global function that checks for background color and applies the corresponding background color to these components.
The scenario I have is:
Scenario 1: CustomCard is placed inside BasicCard(this is inside a parent container that has a specific bg)
Scenario 2: CustomCard is placed inside DetailCard(this is inside a parent container that has a specific bg)
The function to apply Bg is added to the init method of each component and AEM is initializing components in an alphabetical order which is causing it to initialize the components in this order: BasicCard, CustomCard, DetailCard
The problem is in scenario 2, Ideally, the bg color of CustomCard should be driven based on the bg color of DetailCard, but since the function to apply bg is called first for CustomCard(it is driving the logic before it got executed for DetailCard)
<parentcontainer bgcolor="x">
<detailcard bgcolor="y">
<customcard bgcolor="z">
I would like to have the logic to apply the bg triggered from each component in the order of the DOM structure. I tried to move the logic from the init to the window.onload but still I see the issue.
Any help is appreciated.