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Including/injecting experience fragment component directly within the sightly.


Level 1

I have a requirement where I need to include the content fragment OOTB component directly within the sightly and map it to respecitive fragments within the component. Something like below :

<div data-sly-resource="${'tabMap{0}' @ format=tabMapList.count ,resourceType='/libs/cq/experience-fragments/components/experiencefragment'}"></div>

Above implementation is required within the tab component, so needs to be added within the list(loop).

I am able to see any other foundation/custom component appearing on the page but unable to add the experience fragment.

Am I missing something any further configuration or step to achieve the same?

9 Replies


Community Advisor


The correct location of component is /libs/cq/experience-fragments/editor/components/experiencefragment

But It is not working there also I can see errors in error.logs

TypeError: Cannot call method "get" of undefined (/libs/cq/experience-fragments/editor/components/experiencefragment/experiencefragment.js#22)

  at org.apache.sling.scripting.sightly.js.impl.loop.EventLoop.run(EventLoop.java:71)

  at org.apache.sling.scripting.sightly.js.impl.loop.EventLoop.schedule(EventLoop.java:46)

  at org.apache.sling.scripting.sightly.js.impl.JsEnvironment.runScript(JsEnvironment.java:106)

Arun Patidar


Level 10

I agree with Arun - its not working. Only way i have used an Experience Fragment in an HTL component is when it has this line:

<sly data-sly-resource="${'content-par' @ resourceType='wcm/foundation/components/parsys'}"/>

THen i drop the Experience Fragment into the HTL component.



Level 10

This works --



Level 1

smacdonald2008 thanks for the response, but as I am using the experience fragment within the tab component, I need the multiple instances of the experience fragment. So wanted to avoid one step where an author has to include explicitly "experience fragment" component and later attach to the existing experience fragments.

As this is also a component, why we are unable to include it directly in the sightly.


Community Advisor

I tried to proxy component but no luck though working with template.

Arun Patidar


Level 3

If you have fixed list of the tabs in the component. May be you can try adding a cq:template node in the component with a number of nodes having sling:resourcetype property to the experience fragment component. This way the experience fragment node is created when you drag-drop your custom component and remove the error in you custom component.


We have done this in AEM 6.3 and worked fine. Let me know if you have any questions.


Level 1

prajwalreddy , the no of tabs here is completely author driven and can be many as well. So I don't think this will work out.


Level 8

I think, the experience fragment will not work if it is not under the parsys node. you must dynamically find the parsys node and add child node as experience fragment node then it should work.

You need to write java code that finds out parsys and using addNode method add experience fragment node. then when you open tab component you will see experience fragment component.

Another approach is if the component is fixed on the template then you can add node hierarchy at template jcr:content node level.


Level 8


If it is author driven then you will not have control on it,  you must write Java code, which finds par node and add experience fragment node as a child node, but think about tradeoff's