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Include responsivegrid component in angular SPA AEM 6.5


Level 3

Hello Guys,

Does anyone know how I can include response grid inside angular component?

It is possible in HTL.

<sly data-sly-resource="${'responsiveContent' @ resourceType='wcm/foundation/components/responsivegrid'}"></sly>


Alisson Xavier

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 3

I have resolved the problem using this component.

We need to include

<aem-responsivegrid> in component template.


@adobe/cq-angular-editable-components - npm

View solution in original post

9 Replies


Level 3


Can you help me ask it for product developers?

I need this so much because I am developing a component which needs to add component inside another one.

Like Carousel component included on AEM 6.5.


Correct answer by
Level 3

I have resolved the problem using this component.

We need to include

<aem-responsivegrid> in component template.


@adobe/cq-angular-editable-components - npm


Level 1
how did you do it exactly? <aem-responsivegrid> needs some props to be passed, how did you get the required props in the ts file? can you share some lines of code please. It would be really helpful.


Community Advisor

@Jörg_Hoh  @arunpatidar @vanegi @BrianKasingli 

Do we anything similar for react as well ?

As mentioned by @alissonxavier01 we have libraries in Angular to have responsive grid component.

But I couldn't find Class: AEMResponsiveGridComponent as part of react libraries.


Community Advisor

you can find that in npn module ui.frontend.react\node_modules\@adobe\cq-react-editable-components


class ResponsiveGrid extends AllowedComponentsContainer {

     * The attributes that will be injected in the root element of the container
     * @Returns {Object} - the attributes of the container
    get containerProps() {
        let containerProps = super.containerProps;
        containerProps.className = (containerProps.className || '') + ' ' +  this.props.gridClassNames;
        return containerProps;

     * The properties that will go on the placeholder component root element
     * @Returns {Object} - the properties as a map
    get placeholderProps() {
        let props = super.placeholderProps;
        props.placeholderClassNames = (props.placeholderClassNames || '') + ' ' +  PLACEHOLDER_CLASS_NAMES;
        return props;

     * Returns the properties to add on a specific child component
     * @Param   {Object} item     The item data
     * @Param   {String} itemKey  The key of the item
     * @Param   {String} itemPath The path of the item
     * @Returns {Object} The map of properties to be added
    getItemComponentProps(item, itemKey, itemPath) {
        let attrs = super.getItemComponentProps(item, itemKey, itemPath);

        attrs.className = attrs.className || '';
        attrs.className += this.props.columnClassNames && this.props.columnClassNames[itemKey] ? ' ' + this.props.columnClassNames[itemKey] : '';

        return attrs;

ResponsiveGrid.defaultProps = {
    title: 'Layout Container',
    // Temporary property until CQ-4265892 is addressed, beware not rely it
    _allowedComponentPlaceholderListEmptyLabel: 'No allowed components for Layout Container'




Arun Patidar


Community Advisor
Hey Arun, I have only 3 files and one folder... i.e. dist, CHANGELOG..md, package.json and README.md


Community Advisor
It is a minified file inside dist.

Arun Patidar


Community Advisor
Ok got it thanks


Community Advisor

<p>you can find that in npn module ui.frontend.react\node_modules\@adobe\cq-react-editable-components</p>
<li-code lang="javascript">class ResponsiveGrid extends AllowedComponentsContainer {

* The attributes that will be injected in the root element of the container
* {Object} - the attributes of the container
get containerProps() {
let containerProps = super.containerProps;
containerProps.className = (containerProps.className || '') + ' ' + this.props.gridClassNames;
return containerProps;

* The properties that will go on the placeholder component root element
* {Object} - the properties as a map
get placeholderProps() {
let props = super.placeholderProps;
props.placeholderClassNames = (props.placeholderClassNames || '') + ' ' + PLACEHOLDER_CLASS_NAMES;
return props;

* Returns the properties to add on a specific child component
* {Object} item The item data
* {String} itemKey The key of the item
* {String} itemPath The path of the item
* {Object} The map of properties to be added
getItemComponentProps(item, itemKey, itemPath) {
let attrs = super.getItemComponentProps(item, itemKey, itemPath);

attrs.className = attrs.className || '';
attrs.className += this.props.columnClassNames &amp;&amp; this.props.columnClassNames[itemKey] ? ' ' + this.props.columnClassNames[itemKey] : '';

return attrs;

ResponsiveGrid.defaultProps = {
title: 'Layout Container',
// Temporary property until CQ-4265892 is addressed, beware not rely it
_allowedComponentPlaceholderListEmptyLabel: 'No allowed components for Layout Container'


Arun Patidar