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How to set Tag Picker root path based on value selected in dropdown - Touch Dialog


Level 1

Hi All,

We are working on a POC and below is our requirement.

We have a Touch Dialog with two fields (1- Drop down & 2-Tag Picker). In drop down we have multiple values. User can select any value from dropdown. Now based on value selected in drop down we need to set the root path of Tag Picker.


If User Selected 'Option 1' from drop down then tag picker root path should be set as - "/etc/tags/abc"

If User Selected 'Option 2' from drop down then the same tag picker root path should be set as - "/etc/tags/xyz"

If anyone have any idea how to achieve it please share.

3 Replies


Level 9

Go to this node and copy it according to your requirement /apps/weretail/components/content/carousel/cq:dialog/content/items/settings/items/columns/items/displayAs under the items node you see pages and images which have the key value pairs. The title of your option 1 , option 2 will be the keys and the value will be the root path '/etc/tags/abc'


Level 1

Thanks Hemant,

Solution that you have provided is to make a dropdown in dialog. We have already created the dropdown

Our issue is how to set this selected value (root path) to tag picker.


Level 9

Refer to this post. This should help https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2408450