After some research, i found the below solution.
There is no method that will return all the properties of an Asset (or a Node. Asset is also a node) in AEM. We have to do this in a combination.
Resource resource;
ValueMap mainProperties;
ValueMap assetMetadataProperties;
Resource metadataResource;
ValueMap jcrProperties;
Resource jcrdataResource;
ValueMap allProperties;
for (Hit hit : result.getHits()) {
//"\n********Hit path="+hit.getPath()+", title="+hit.getTitle());
resource = hit.getResource();
mainProperties = resource.getValueMap();
// Add JCR Properties
jcrdataResource = resource.getChild("jcr:content");
jcrProperties = ResourceUtil.getValueMap(jcrdataResource);
// Add Metadata properties
metadataResource = resource.getChild("jcr:content/metadata");
assetMetadataProperties = ResourceUtil.getValueMap(metadataResource);
// Adding all togethe
allProperties = new ValueMapDecorator(new HashMap());
allProperties.putAll(mainProperties); // Includes jcr:created createdDate etc.
allProperties.put("jcr:path",hit.getPath()); //Add Path
//LOGGER.debug("All Asset Properties="+new Gson().toJson(allProperties));