I am using AEM 6.5 (SP 10) and trying to include a select box in the page properties as per business requirement. The select box is not show all options on click and creating vertical scroller on the browser. This behavior is confusing for authors while creating page, However the view is consistent when opening existing page props. Screen shots attached for reference and please suggest a work around to resolve this issue.
Screenshot :
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Here is the exact solution you are seeking for
Hope that helps!
I tried this solution and its not working on create page dialog. Could you please let me know if there is any other CSS tweak to fix this ?
Please check if your project already have clientlib with cq.authoring.dialog If yes, you can just add this CSS there. What issue you are facing now? Can you please check whether added CSS is loading?
I see the CSS is loading. The issue is dropdown items are not loading on create page wizard.
Please review the screenshot below.
I mean to say - is that similar CSS is loading while creating the page(where you are facing issue) as you see in above screenshot?
Yes. The screenshot is on create page wizard and the added CSS is loading. Issue is all the dropdown items are not loading and they are showing with a scrollbar when you click on the first option.