We have a requirement to show most read pages on top in a page. For this we have to get number of times a page got viewed by end user.
I am assuming that this we can do using analytics.
Can any one please let me know how to get page view count for a CQ page either using CQ_analtics, SItecatalust or Google Analytics.
Best Regards
Eakambaram Yadav
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Within AEM, I think you can use the property 'Impressions' to get this fair count. but however any analytics tool can give you a better counts and you will have check the respective APIs to get those numbers.
ex: for GA, https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/?csw=1
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Hi Eakambaram
The solution to your problem can be solved by ingratiation third party web analytics as mentioned by Bsloki. I agree with last answer.
But apart from that, if you would like to write a small code to do tracking of our own, we can do it.
Please have a look at the article covering writing a web analytics engine from scratch of your own Link : - http://coastalweb.ca/programming/writing-a-web-analytics-engine-from-scratch.html
This article will cover
1.Grab any information from the URL (GET parameters) and server data (user agent, remote IP, referer [sic] URL)
2.Record the information in a database
3.Continue processing the page
I hope this would also help you.
Thanks and Regards
Kautuk Sahni
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If you have access to external analytic service API to pull data. You can show that in author using Impression API in CQ. Example http://www.wemblog.com/2014/11/how-to-use-impression-service-in-cqaem.html
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You can write AEM components that integrate with Analytics that determine page views. See this article for an idea (this article is for 6.1 - however - it will give you an idea)
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Is there an updated link for this?
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