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How to encrypt and decrypt OSGI config values | AEM Community Blog Seeding




How to encrypt and decrypt OSGI config values by Lhotsetechnologies


First, we have to make a service configuration by using the code given below. In this code I am showing you the normal way to show osgi config value.

@Component(service = TestService.class, immediate = true)

@Designate(ocd = TestService.TestConfig.class)

public class TestService {

@ObjectClassDefinition(name = “TestConfig”, description = “This is the test config”)

public @interface TestConfig {

@AttributeDefinition(name = “Title”, description = “Enter the title”)

String myTitle();

@AttributeDefinition(name = “Description”, description = “Enter the description”)

String myDesc();


private String serviceTitle;

private String serviceDesc;

@Activate @Modified

private void init(TestConfig testConfig) {

serviceTitle = testConfig.myTitle();

serviceDesc = testConfig.myDesc();


public String getServiceTitle() {

return serviceTitle;


public String getServiceDesc() {

return serviceDesc;



By using the above code we will get our service configuration.

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How to encrypt and decrypt OSGI config values


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Kautuk Sahni
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