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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

How do AEM Launches work for multiple projects with different users? Can ACLs restrict per project?


Level 1

We are looking to start using the launches feature of AEM within an established space where multiple projects exist.  We have users who can only view one or some of all the projects, all fully controlled via different groups with ACLs that restrict on the pages within /content and the folders within /content/dam.  In both cases, the projects are mostly at the first level within that.


So we have /content/foo and /content/bar as two distinct spaces with different groups.  But if I create a launch from project foo, it goes into /content/launches/2024/07/17/<name from wizard> without "foo" at any point.


Is it possible to prevent users of project "bar" who wouldn't be able to read or edit the page the launch was created from, from being able to see and edit the launch copy?


I have read all the available documentation for launches in AEM and have not found any references to restrictions based on multiple sites.  Any guidance will be greatly appreciated.


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