Learn about the integration scenarios for Adobe Experience Manager with Adobe Commerce or third-party commerce solutions. To illustrate the flexibility that CIF offers, we describe a number of different integration options below that you can use with Adobe Experience Manager and CIF.
In the first post in this series, we introduced the Commerce Integration Framework (CIF), a powerful Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) extension for building integrated and seamless content and e-commerce experiences. In our second post, we took a deeper dive into CIF exploring its design principles and architecture and the different integrations it provides. In this post, we’ll delve more deeply into those integrations to illustrate the many options you have for using it with your own e-commerce solutions to provide unparalleled customer experiences.
CIF not only offers direct integration with AEM with Adobe Commerce, it also provides an integration layer for third party and homegrown commerce solutions. This is where Adobe Developer App Builder or an alternative integration platform would come into the picture.
Let’s walk through a few of the major scenarios covered in the diagram. The first question is: do you already have Adobe Commerce or plan to set it up? If your answer is “yes” then you have chosen the most straightforward integration architecture since CIF connects AEM directly. From there, you can follow the path below to see the main steps in setting up your integrations, which we will explain in more detail in the next section.
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Kautuk Sahni