How do we hide the '/content/sitename' from the URL?
It is always good to hide the content path from the public domain or publish server urls. Let us see one of the best approach for the same.
Say we have our website in below domain URL,
--> https://[websitename.com]/content/sitename/fr/home.html
And hosted AEM with below URL,
--> http://:/content/sitename/fr/home.html
As a best practice and recommended option, we have to ensure the '/content/sitename' is hidden from appearing on the public domain.
Here I am going to explain one of the best approach for achieving the same. To achieve this, we will have to configure things on both publish and dispatcher.
Configurations on PUBLISH:
Configuring the Apache Sling Resource Resolver Factory to ensure the URLs are re-written at PUBLISH server.
Apache Sling Resource Resolver Factory - add below configurations
--> /content/sitename/(.*)</$1
--> /content/sitename/fr$1>/fr(.*)
One you save the configuration, and hit the webpage with http://:/fr/home.html, you will be able to see the home page over publish instance(without /content/sitename).
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Kautuk Sahni