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GraphQL SAP connector customizations


Level 2

I'm working on an integration of GraphQL with SAP Commerce for AEM and I have a couple of questions.
I've started with this project, that is recommended for the integration: https://github.com/diconium/commerce-cif-graphql-integration-hybris

  • I've noticed that is possible to extend the Magento schema with other features, but what is the best practice to extend the schema? Do I need to edit manually the "magento-schema-2.4.2.min.json" file and add new attributes, objects and resolver definitions?
  • Is there a method for debugging the query on Adobe I/O Runtime or insert a series of logs?

Thank you

2 Replies



@Shubham_borole @milind_bachani @krishna_sai @manjunathdj 

I kindly request your attention to this AEM question. Your expertise and guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your support.

Kautuk Sahni


Level 1

Any update on this ?