Hi, I was working with workflow and trying creating a few other users using the "useradmin". So, for this exercise - I create another user with name "user1" as login ID and with name - "User 1" but then I wanted to login as the new user so I signed out from the "admin" and then just after that when I tried with the "user1" - I am getting the below error. Can you please help me with this, I have tried restarting my AEM instance several times also but getting the same error?
Also, while creating a new user, I haven't given any permissions at that time so is that causing issue here and how to resolve this and get back to my login page?
Resource at '/' not found: No resource found
Cannot serve request to / in /libs/sling/servlet/errorhandler/404.jsp
Request Progress:
0 TIMER_START{Request Processing}
6 COMMENT timer_end format is {<elapsed microseconds>,<timer name>} <optional message>
23 LOG Method=GET, PathInfo=null
40 TIMER_START{handleSecurity}
4085 TIMER_END{4043,handleSecurity} authenticator org.apache.sling.auth.core.impl.SlingAuthenticator@2d29bb33 returns true
4957 TIMER_START{ResourceResolution}
7865 TIMER_END{2903,ResourceResolution} URI=/ resolves to Resource=NonExistingResource, path=/
7889 LOG Resource Path Info: SlingRequestPathInfo: path='/', selectorString='null', extension='null', suffix='null'
7890 TIMER_START{ServletResolution}
7901 TIMER_START{resolveServlet(/)}
12003 LOG {0}: no servlet found
12032 TIMER_END{4128,resolveServlet(/)} Using servlet org.apache.sling.servlets.get.DefaultGetServlet
12044 TIMER_END{4153,ServletResolution} URI=/ handled by Servlet=org.apache.sling.servlets.get.DefaultGetServlet
12051 LOG Applying Requestfilters
12068 LOG Calling filter: com.adobe.granite.resourceresolverhelper.impl.ResourceResolverHelperImpl
12105 LOG Calling filter: org.apache.sling.security.impl.ContentDispositionFilter
12125 LOG Calling filter: com.adobe.granite.csrf.impl.CSRFFilter
12142 LOG Calling filter: org.apache.sling.i18n.impl.I18NFilter
12156 LOG Calling filter: com.adobe.granite.httpcache.impl.InnerCacheFilter
12181 LOG Calling filter: org.apache.sling.rewriter.impl.RewriterFilter
12192 LOG Calling filter: com.adobe.cq.history.impl.HistoryRequestFilter
12585 LOG Calling filter: com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.WCMRequestFilter
12661 LOG Calling filter: com.adobe.fd.core.security.internal.CurrentUserServiceImpl
13506 LOG Calling filter: com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.internal.servlets.CoreFormHandlingServlet
13531 LOG Calling filter: com.adobe.granite.optout.impl.OptOutFilter
13562 LOG Calling filter: com.day.cq.wcm.foundation.forms.impl.FormsHandlingServlet
13581 LOG Calling filter: com.adobe.cq.social.commons.cors.CORSAuthenticationFilter
13602 LOG Calling filter: com.adobe.livecycle.dsc.clientsdk.internal.ResourceResolverHolderFilter
13667 LOG Calling filter: org.apache.sling.engine.impl.debug.RequestProgressTrackerLogFilter
13686 LOG Calling filter: com.adobe.livecycle.content.appcontext.impl.AppContextFilter
13708 LOG Calling filter: com.aem.firstdemo.core.filters.LoggingFilter
14041 LOG Calling filter: com.day.cq.wcm.mobile.core.impl.redirect.RedirectFilter
14062 LOG Calling filter: com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.AuthoringUIModeServiceImpl
14616 LOG Calling filter: com.adobe.granite.rest.assets.impl.AssetContentDispositionFilter
14643 LOG Calling filter: com.adobe.granite.requests.logging.impl.RequestLoggerImpl
14664 LOG Calling filter: com.adobe.granite.rest.impl.servlet.ApiResourceFilter
14687 LOG Calling filter: com.day.cq.dam.core.impl.servlet.ActivityRecordHandler
14750 LOG Calling filter: com.day.cq.dam.core.impl.assetlinkshare.AdhocAssetShareAuthHandler
14781 LOG Calling filter: com.adobe.cq.social.ugcbase.security.impl.SaferSlingPostServlet
14799 LOG Calling filter: com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.warp.TimeWarpFilter
14846 LOG Applying Componentfilters
14864 LOG Calling filter: com.day.cq.personalization.impl.TargetComponentFilter
14884 LOG Calling filter: com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.page.PageLockFilter
14915 LOG Calling filter: com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.WCMComponentFilter
15057 LOG Calling filter: com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.WCMDebugFilter
15124 TIMER_START{org.apache.sling.servlets.get.DefaultGetServlet#0}
15245 TIMER_END{115,org.apache.sling.servlets.get.DefaultGetServlet#0}
15379 LOG Filter timing: filter=com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.WCMDebugFilter, inner=159, total=212, outer=53
15426 LOG Filter timing: filter=com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.WCMComponentFilter, inner=212, total=367, outer=155
15468 LOG Filter timing: filter=com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.page.PageLockFilter, inner=367, total=391, outer=24
15597 LOG Filter timing: filter=com.adobe.cq.dtm.reactor.impl.servlets.ClientLibraryFilter, inner=0, total=655, outer=655
15627 LOG Filter timing: filter=com.adobe.cq.dam.webdav.impl.io.DamWebdavRequestFilter, inner=655, total=673, outer=18
15654 LOG Filter timing: filter=com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.warp.TimeWarpFilter, inner=673, total=699, outer=26
15680 LOG Filter timing: filter=com.adobe.cq.social.ugcbase.security.impl.SaferSlingPostServlet, inner=699, total=720, outer=21
15707 LOG Filter timing: filter=com.adobe.cq.dtm.impl.servlets.DTMLibraryCompatibilityFilter, inner=720, total=730, outer=10
15733 LOG Filter timing: filter=com.day.cq.dam.core.impl.assetlinkshare.AdhocAssetShareAuthHandler, inner=730, total=754, outer=24
15758 LOG Filter timing: filter=com.day.cq.dam.core.impl.servlet.DamContentDispositionFilter, inner=754, total=766, outer=12
15795 LOG Filter timing: filter=com.day.cq.dam.core.impl.servlet.ActivityRecordHandler, inner=766, total=819, outer=53
15825 LOG Filter timing: filter=com.adobe.granite.rest.impl.servlet.ApiResourceFilter, inner=819, total=843, outer=24
15851 LOG Filter timing: filter=com.adobe.granite.requests.logging.impl.RequestLoggerImpl, inner=843, total=868, outer=25
15876 LOG Filter timing: filter=com.adobe.granite.rest.assets.impl.AssetContentDispositionFilter, inner=868, total=903, outer=35
15902 LOG Filter timing: filter=com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.AuthoringUIModeServiceImpl, inner=903, total=1450, outer=547
15934 LOG Filter timing: filter=com.day.cq.wcm.mobile.core.impl.redirect.RedirectFilter, inner=1450, total=1485, outer=35
15961 LOG Filter timing: filter=com.aem.firstdemo.core.filters.LoggingFilter, inner=1485, total=1806, outer=321
15996 LOG Filter timing: filter=com.adobe.livecycle.content.appcontext.impl.AppContextFilter, inner=1806, total=1838, outer=32
16026 LOG Filter timing: filter=org.apache.sling.engine.impl.debug.RequestProgressTrackerLogFilter, inner=1838, total=1861, outer=23
16054 LOG Filter timing: filter=com.adobe.livecycle.dsc.clientsdk.internal.ResourceResolverHolderFilter, inner=1861, total=1926, outer=65
16082 LOG Filter timing: filter=com.adobe.cq.social.commons.cors.CORSAuthenticationFilter, inner=1926, total=1948, outer=22
16109 LOG Filter timing: filter=com.day.cq.wcm.foundation.forms.impl.FormsHandlingServlet, inner=1948, total=1969, outer=21
16137 LOG Filter timing: filter=com.adobe.granite.optout.impl.OptOutFilter, inner=1969, total=2007, outer=38
16167 LOG Filter timing: filter=com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.internal.servlets.CoreFormHandlingServlet, inner=2007, total=2048, outer=41
16200 LOG Filter timing: filter=com.adobe.fd.core.security.internal.CurrentUserServiceImpl, inner=2048, total=2883, outer=835
16230 LOG Filter timing: filter=com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.WCMRequestFilter, inner=2883, total=2975, outer=92
16263 LOG Filter timing: filter=com.adobe.cq.history.impl.HistoryRequestFilter, inner=2975, total=3344, outer=369
16296 LOG Filter timing: filter=org.apache.sling.rewriter.impl.RewriterFilter, inner=3344, total=3359, outer=15
16328 LOG Filter timing: filter=com.adobe.granite.httpcache.impl.InnerCacheFilter, inner=3359, total=3388, outer=29
16359 LOG Filter timing: filter=org.apache.sling.i18n.impl.I18NFilter, inner=3388, total=3400, outer=12
16391 LOG Filter timing: filter=com.adobe.granite.csrf.impl.CSRFFilter, inner=3400, total=3426, outer=26
16422 LOG Filter timing: filter=org.apache.sling.security.impl.ContentDispositionFilter, inner=3426, total=3451, outer=25
16453 LOG Filter timing: filter=org.apache.sling.distribution.servlet.DistributionAgentCreationFilter, inner=3451, total=3464, outer=13
16733 LOG Applying Error filters
16768 LOG Calling filter: org.apache.sling.i18n.impl.I18NFilter
16792 LOG Calling filter: org.apache.sling.rewriter.impl.RewriterFilter
16815 TIMER_START{handleError:status=404}
16975 TIMER_END{155,handleError:status=404} Using handler /libs/sling/servlet/errorhandler/404.jsp
21121 LOG Found processor for post processing ProcessorConfiguration: {contentTypes=[text/html], order=-1, active=true, valid=true, processErrorResponse=true, pipeline=(generator=Config(type=htmlparser, config={}), transformers=(Config(type=linkchecker, config={}), Config(type=mobile, config=JcrPropertyMap [node=Node[NodeDelegate{tree=/libs/cq/config/rewriter/default/transformer-mobile: { jcr:primaryType = nt:unstructured, component-optional = true}}], values={jcr:primaryType=nt:unstructured, component-optional=true}]), Config(type=mobiledebug, config=JcrPropertyMap [node=Node[NodeDelegate{tree=/libs/cq/config/rewriter/default/transformer-mobiledebug: { jcr:primaryType = nt:unstructured, component-optional = true}}], values={jcr:primaryType=nt:unstructured, component-optional=true}]), Config(type=contentsync, config=JcrPropertyMap [node=Node[NodeDelegate{tree=/libs/cq/config/rewriter/default/transformer-contentsync: { jcr:primaryType = nt:unstructured, component-optional = true}}], values={jcr:primaryType=nt:unstructured, component-optional=true}]), serializer=Config(type=htmlwriter, config={}))}
22257 TIMER_END{22252,Request Processing} Dumping SlingRequestProgressTracker Entries
ApacheSling/2.7 (jetty/9.4.43.v20210629, Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 11.0.17, Windows 10 10.0 amd64)
After this, I tried to open the CRX so it was loaded for me and below is the snap shot (logged in as User1).
I think, the issue is related to the permissions because after creating the user I haven't given any permissions, please let me know how we can resolve this and get back to the login page again. Thanks!
Solved! Go to Solution.
Total Likes
1. assign this user to any OOTB group (e.g. author), you will be able to see welcome screen.
2. if you need to use this user for some specific use case and need to restrict user permission. I would suggest create one group and assign this user to this new group, you can give read permission to root folder, you will be redirected to welcome screen after that. permission can be added to all subsequent folder after that. e.g, if you want to deny for any folder, just add path for the folder(/app) and configure permissions in security tab.
1. assign this user to any OOTB group (e.g. author), you will be able to see welcome screen.
2. if you need to use this user for some specific use case and need to restrict user permission. I would suggest create one group and assign this user to this new group, you can give read permission to root folder, you will be redirected to welcome screen after that. permission can be added to all subsequent folder after that. e.g, if you want to deny for any folder, just add path for the folder(/app) and configure permissions in security tab.
@Rohit_Utreja I will go ahead and try to add this user to any OOTB group as suggested by you but now when I am hitting the "https://localhost:4502" - I am NOT getting the login screen, I am getting this error. How to resolve this?
One more thing - I have the option to start the AEM instance from scratch but I don't want to go ahead with that option as I have few components which are on AEM instance and not synced in the project folder structure.
open aem in incognito mode, and login with admin credentials. You will see the welcome screen. Modify permissions for this user and you will see welcome screen for user1 as well.
@Rohit_Utreja Done.
Now, I am getting the login page for "user1" also. Thanks!
So, this is all about the permissions issues right?
Just for better understanding, can you please confirm below points -
Glad to know that.
Yes, this is permissions issue.
yes, both points are correct but I would recommend solution 2 based on Adobe's guidelines. Now, it can be a OOTB group or a custom group with appropriate permissions and user1 can be a part of this group.
Never add permissions to user directly until it is a service/system user.
Always manage permissions via groups.