I am trying to set up an encrypted connection to LiveRamp from AEP using the Destinations feature in AEP. I was asked for the following entries - LiveRamp public key (which I downloaded from their website), subkey and the compression format.
I copied the public key from LiveRamp website and pasted the same in the connection details in the UI. for the subkey, I installed gpg tool and imported the asc file (which I downloaded from the LiveRamp website as well) and got two entries for subkey as shown in the screenshot below -

As can be seen the right subkey seems to be "65FA4479" which is what I entered for subkey in the connection details. For the public key, I pasted the following (everything including "key begins here"). When I made the connection and ran a scheduled dataflow from AEP to LiveRamp, I got the following error -
"An error has occurred when exporting data to the destination. Unable to perform the data export with the parameters flowId=6f75c098-1fd2-4d04-b0ee-66ba4a4d6344 segmentId=ups:648575ae-c59d-4a6a-b9d6-6d24acacfe19 flowRunId=26c6de14-a810-4ac5-8754-e2dc843747c4. The error message returned by the destination is Could not find suitable encryption key in the keyring for key id hexString 65FA4479. Please verify that you have sufficient storage space in the destination."
My subkey entry is correct from the above screenshot. What is the source of this error?
Thank you,